From: Michael on

Is coded a script to position multiple axes with titles, labels and so on. figure size is a user input in cm/inches. then I'm determining all positions based on normalized units. So it should basically be independent from the monitor resolution.

However, there's a strange misplacement since I switched from a 1400x1050p 14' laptop to a 1024x600p 10' netbook. It seems that some position values (like figure position or TightInset) are not determined correctly by matlab, for there are sometimes negative values. E.g. for having the figure maximised, the OuterPosition values are not even nearly [0 0 1 1].

Most of the time, I also have an extended display running. Might this be a somehow related t my issue. (I deactivated it without reboot, but still go the problem.)

Thanks for helping!
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