From: hssig on 2 Jul 2010 07:49 Hi, I have the following directory structure: directory "F:/tests" containing directories "compA", "compB", "root_for_script" contents of "root_for_script": file_list.lst "file_list.lst" has the following entries: .../compA/file_list.lst contents of compA : compA.vhd, file_list.lst "file_list.lst" has the following entries: compA.vhd .../compB/compB.vhd contents of compB: compB.vhd In directory "root_for_script" I have the following tcl script (so far): cd F:/tests/root_for_script set fd [open "../compA/file_list.lst" r] set file_list [split [read $fd] "\n"] foreach file $file_list { puts "$file " if [regexp {.vhdl?$} $file] { vcom $file } else { puts "Found list file" } } I want the script to start looking at ths base list "f:/tests/ root_for_script/file_list.lst" for VHDL files and other file lists. VHDL files are compiled (vcom), file lists are opened and so on ... So the steps would be: 1. Open "f:/tests/root_for_script/file_list.lst" 2. Open "../compA/file_list.lst" 3. Compile "compA.vhd" and "../compB/compB.vhd" Point 3 would lead to the following paths in the compile commands vcom ../compA/compA.vhd vcom ../compA/../compB/compB.vhd) How can I do that task ? I am not sure how to structure the tcl script, thank you for your proposals. Cheers, hssig
From: hssig on 2 Jul 2010 09:20 Hi, I have tried to use procedures in the following manner: # ################################################################################################## # procedures proc p_compile {file} { # vcom $file puts "Compiling $file" } proc p_open {file} { set fd [open $file r] puts "Opening $file" set file_list [split [read $fd] "\n"] foreach file $file_list { puts "@T3: $file " if [regexp {.vhdl?$} $file] { puts "Found VHDL file" p_compile $file } else { puts "Found list file" p_open $file} } } # ################################################################################################### # main program cd F:/tests/root_for_script set fd [open "file_list.lst" r] set file_list [split [read $fd] "\n"] foreach file $file_list { puts "$file " if [regexp {.vhdl?$} $file] { puts "Found VHDL file" p_compile $file [file join [file tail $file]] } else { puts "Found list file" puts "@T1 $file" p_open $file } } When executing the tcl script I get the following log messages: (tkcon v2.5, Tcl v8.5.7) Found list file @T1 ../compA/file_list.lst Opening ../compA/file_list.lst @T3: compA.vhd Found VHDL file Compiling compA.vhd @T3: ../compB/compB.vhd Found VHDL file Compiling ../compB/compB.vhd But the compiling paths should be: vcom ../compA/compA.vhd vcom ../compA/../compB/compB.vhd How can I pass the correct path when calling the procedures recursively ? Starting point is the location of the script. Cheers, hssig
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