From: Jan Simon on
Dear Judas!

> hmmm is there a way to AFTER filling all the containers with "1"
> to replace all of them with the word "cool" ?
> for example:
> cf = cellstr(char('Meat','Meatz','Meat1','Meat2','Meat3'))
> c = cell(5,5)
> r = randperm(numel(c));
> r = r(1:numel(cf));
> c(r) = cf(randperm(numel(cf)))
> %I want to replace all those of meat in the cf array to be replaced by "cool"

You can omit the intermediate conversion to a CHAR array:
> cf = cellstr(char('Meat','Meatz','Meat1','Meat2','Meat3'))
cf = {'Meat', 'Meatz', 'Meat1', 'Meat2', 'Meat3'};

If you've filled the empty cells with '1' already, you can replace them afterwards with:
cf(strcmp(cf, '1')) = {'cool'};

Good luck, Jan