From: Kristie Erickson on
I have three columns of data SCHEDULE_ID, VESSEL, and LANDING_DATE.
SCHEDULE_ID is a unique identifier but in VESSEL, and LANDING_DATE there may
possibly be duplicates. I need to extract and examine any rows where the
VESSEL and the LANDING_DATE are equal to each other.
123 45678 1/20/09
567 45678 2/20/09
786 12345 1/20/09
826 45678 2/20/09

I need to be able to be able to extract and examine cases such as
the duplicate45678 2/20/09
I tried doing an
IF vessel=vessel and landing_date=landing_date then dup=1
but it does not seem to work.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated!!

PS. If anyone is wondering this stems from an old DB problem that was
recognized after the DB had been in use for years i.e., two different
departments of an organization may both be sent the exact same data from a
client. Data is subsequently entered into the database and the data
receives two separate schedule_id (unique id) making the data a duplicate
entry with a separate unique id.