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RFC 3511 tools
Other than the RFC itself, are there are documents which describe how to benchmark a firewall in the RFC 3511 methodology - how to set it up for benchmarking, how to test it, etc? Are there are free or paid tools which would assist with this? ... 12 May 2010 04:48
Creak Firewall
Split ends, everyone most bane hair problem. How do you get rid of them – The answer is to cut them off! You should be focused more on how to prevent them, because once you have them, there is no cure. They are the bane of every woman’s existence. Split ends start to appear when the protective cuticle is stripped... 12 May 2010 04:48
Creak Firewall
Split ends, everyone most bane hair problem. How do you get rid of them – The answer is to cut them off! You should be focused more on how to prevent them, because once you have them, there is no cure. They are the bane of every woman’s existence. Split ends start to appear when the protective cuticle is stripped... 12 May 2010 04:48
Creak Firewall
Split ends, everyone most bane hair problem. How do you get rid of them – The answer is to cut them off! You should be focused more on how to prevent them, because once you have them, there is no cure. They are the bane of every woman’s existence. Split ends start to appear when the protective cuticle is stripped... 12 May 2010 04:48
Problem with IPCop URLFilter...
I have just installed IPCop, along with the Advanced Proxy, and URLFilter. I can't seem to get the Blacklist to work on the URLFilter. If I put an IP address in as "banned", it blocks all access. If I then remove it, access returns. So, I know the URLFilter add-on is in fact working, but I tried a simple te... 11 May 2010 11:09
respected sir, i want to take a conclusion from my aims. i am interested in security+, CEH and CISM.after a long gap(11 years) i am going to finish my degree. i have an idea to study CCNA with in 3 months. i ve some basic knowledge about networking, A+ .at present i am working in a me... 10 May 2010 13:11
Fake Antispyware Soft virus
Antispyware Soft reality: is a rogue anti-spyware program from the same family as Antivirus Soft and Antivirus Suite. Just like its predecessors, AntispywareSoft reports false system security threats to make you think that your computer is infected with malicious software. Usually, this fake program is promoted th... 2 Jun 2010 14:14
Spyware Remover – Protect Your Computer From Spyware
Spyware - this is one of the biggest threats to security and privacy in the internet today. Spyware intrude, break and enter our computers and pose a great threat especially with more malicious spywares. Leaving a home or business computer unprotected from spyware is just like leaving the front door open to intrude... 5 May 2010 03:51
WANTED TO BUY - NETWORKING, TELECOM EQUIPMENT & SOFTWARE - CISCO, NORTEL, LUCENT, JUNIPER, EXTREME, FOUNDRY, FUJITSU, MICROSOFT, ADOBE, SYMANTEC & MORE I BUY used, new and refurbed Cisco, Lucent, Brocade, Nortel, Foundry, Extreme, Juniper, Microsoft, Adobe, Alcatel, 3com, IBM, HP, Compaq, Sun, Dell, Madge, Cable... 3 May 2010 04:26
XP Antivirus pro 2010 VIRUSS
y did u ask if u know ... 25 Apr 2010 00:54
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