From: rams on
I have 3 data-sets A, B, and C and each of which contains 728 data points. A and B both are same physical quantities but A is modeled data and B is measured data. A is a function of C. Now i need to change C values such that A values fit B values. Please suggest how can i do that in Matlab..thanks in advance...
From: Torsten Hennig on
> I have 3 data-sets A, B, and C and each of which
> contains 728 data points. A and B both are same
> physical quantities but A is modeled data and B is
> measured data. A is a function of C. Now i need to
> change C values such that A values fit B values.
> Please suggest how can i do that in Matlab..thanks in
> advance...

From what you tell us about your problem, nothing more
can be said than:
Use lsqnonlin or lsqcurvefit to minimize
sum_{i=1}^{n} (A(C_i)-B_i)^2.

Best wishes