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Flame photometry, gas discharge and absurdities of modern science

The coloration of flame due to a specific salt presence is a well
known phenomenon.

But, is it possible to get a consistent explanation for this fact in
the frame of actual science?

In the following link a comparative analysis of flame photometry and
electric discharge in metal vapor is made:

Despite the simplicity and wide spread use of phenomenon, the
theoretical interpretation is more then absurd. The consequences of
actual explanation can be verified in any low level laboratory.
Further, making a comparison between NaCl flame color and the glowing
of a low pressure Na lamp, other inconsistencies appear in the frame
of actual science…

In proposed theory, the entire frame of flame formation, blackbody
radiation, flame conductibility, flame colors, etc. is changed. In
this chemistry book a new model is proposed, but a more detailed
analysis of these concepts will be presented in thermodynamic and
physical-chemistry books.

There is a general perception that actual modern science has solid
fundaments, and there is a category of scientists, especially
theoreticians which are confusing science with science-fiction. In
fact, great part of scientific literature are becoming science fiction
literature and parts of editors are now simple language correctors.

For them the surprises session is at beginning. Thermodynamics,
physical chemistry, electricity and magnetism are fields more closely
to experiment and far away from methaphysical interpretations. So …
soon .. the first surprise, related to the kinetic theory of gases.

Best regards,

Sorin Cosofret