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From: smillerd on 23 Aug 2005 11:19 I recently went through a tutorial by Lee Brimelow on Flash Video. It was an excellent tutorial for me, as I don't know a thing about Actionscript. I followed the instructions and typed the code and all worked well. Until I added a video play list, using a XML file. The tutorial told how to make a buffering screen to show that the video was indeed downloading. However, When I added the play list, the only video that shows the buffering screen is the first one. The others won't show. I was told that I needed to " try putting some extra code in the "change" method of the list component. So basically whenever you click an entry it would set the _visible property of your buffer clip to true." As I mentioned, I don't know anything about Actionscript, but am trying to learn. My question is actually two- how could I figure out what "extra code" is needed, and where is a good source (on the internet) to get a foundation for ActionScript. ? I have no programing experience at all. Thanks for any direction or insight. Steve Miller P.S. Below is the current code I am using- var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); nc.connect(null); var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc); ns.setBufferTime(30); ns.onStatus = function(info) { if(info.code == "NetStream.Buffer.Full") { bufferClip._visible = false; } if(info.code == "NetStream.Buffer.Empty") { bufferClip._visible = true; } if(info.code == "NetStream.Play.Stop") {; } } skyclub.attachVideo(ns); playButton.onRelease = function () { ns.pause(); } rewindButton.onRelease = function () {; } var videoInterval = setInterval(videoStatus,100); var amountLoaded:Number; var duration:Number; ns["onMetaData"] = function(obj) { duration = obj.duration; } function videoStatus(){ amountLoaded = ns.bytesLoaded / ns.bytesTotal; loader.loadbar._width = amountLoaded * 270; loader.scrub._x = ns.time / duration * 270; } var scrubInterval; loader.scrub.onPress = function() { clearInterval(videoInterval); scrubInterval = setInterval(scrubit,10); this.startDrag(false,0,this._y,262,this._y); } loader.scrub.onRelease = loader.scrub.onReleaseOutside = function() { clearInterval(scrubInterval); videoInterval = setInterval(videoStatus,100); this.stopDrag(); } function scrubit() {*duration)); } var theMenu:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(); theMenu.hideBuiltInItems(); = theMenu; var i1:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("::::: Video Controls :::::",trace); theMenu.customItems[0] = i1; var i2:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Play / Pause Video",pauseIt,true); theMenu.customItems[1] = i2; var i3:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Replay Video",replayIt); theMenu.customItems[2] = i3; var i4:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Copyright 2005 Mockingbird Properties",trace,true); theMenu.customItems[3] = i4; function pauseIt() { ns.pause(); } function replayIt() {; } var vlist:XML = new XML(); vlist.ignoreWhite = true; vlist.onLoad = function() { var videos:Array = this.firstChild.childNodes; for(i=0;i<videos.length;i++) { videoList.addItem(videos.attributes.desc,videos.attributes.url); } videoList.selectedIndex = 0; } var vidList:Object = new Object(); vidList.change = function() {; } videoList.addEventListener("change",vidList); vlist.load("video.xml"); |