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From: What you are reading is Philosophy and P Versus NP. on 30 Mar 2010 16:39 C++|c++|CC:\ :pb=\p\d?\(:cf:np=\)\d?;:bb={:be=}:\ :cb=/*:ce=*/:ab=//:ae=$:sb=":se=\e":lb=':\ :zb=@:ze=@:tb=%%:te=%%:mb=%\$:me=\$%:vb=%\|:ve=\|%:\ :le=\e':tl:id=_~\::\ :kw=asm auto break case cdecl char continue default do double else \ enum extern far float for fortran goto huge if int interrupt long\ near pascal register return short signed sizeof static struct\ switch typedef union unsigned while void\ #define #else #endif #if #ifdef #ifndef #include #undef # define\ endif ifdef ifndef include undef defined #pragma\ class const delete friend inline new operator overload private\ protected public template this virtual:
From: porky_pig_jr on 30 Mar 2010 19:45 On Mar 30, 4:39 pm, "What you are reading is Philosophy and P Versus NP." <marty.musa...(a)> wrote: > C++|c++|CC:\ > :pb=\p\d?\(:cf:np=\)\d?;:bb={:be=}:\ > :cb=/*:ce=*/:ab=//:ae=$:sb=":se=\e":lb=':\ > :zb=@:ze=@:tb=%%:te=%%:mb=%\$:me=\$%:vb=%\|:ve=\|%:\ > :le=\e':tl:id=_~\::\ > :kw=asm auto break case cdecl char continue default do double else > \ > enum extern far float for fortran goto huge if int interrupt long\ > near pascal register return short signed sizeof static struct\ > switch typedef union unsigned while void\ > #define #else #endif #if #ifdef #ifndef #include #undef # define\ > endif ifdef ifndef include undef defined #pragma\ > class const delete friend inline new operator overload private\ > protected public template this virtual: stinks like Musatov.
From: R Swipe on 30 Mar 2010 20:23
Typical Google-poster idiocy. Typical address idiocy. "What you are reading is Philosophy and P Versus NP." <marty.musatov(a)> wrote in message news:1ea34b55-3dee-4749-bd93-19e58cf492f2(a) Typical musatov idiocy. |