From: thanatoid on
"Unknown" <unknown(a)unknown.kom> wrote in

> Absolutely, positively correct. The only worse thing is
> the complaining about it.

You and all the others incapable of comprehending the reasons
for top-posting being bad and for the need for snipping are
fucked in the head.

I am ASTOUNDED at the level of stupidity in the XP groups
compared to the pre-XP groups. And /they're/ not full of
geniuses, not by a long shot.

From: thanatoid on
John John - MVP <audetweld(a)> wrote in


> The intelligence quotient of the group will increase by a
> thousand fold as soon as you leave.

I love a good laugh, thanks, oh-so-valuable one.

From: Stan Brown on
Fri, 8 Jan 2010 09:31:36 -0800 from "Don Schmidt" <"Don Schmidt">:
> If top posting is so bad, why does the cursor default to the top when
> creating a response?

Because you're using a bad newsreader. Microsoft has made a career
of subverting Internet standards -- look at the sequence of Internet
Explorers for more evidence.

Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems, Tompkins County, New York, USA
Shikata ga nai...
From: "Don Schmidt" Don on
It is better to put the most recent correspondence on the top, reverse
chronological filing. Why many think scrolling to the bottom of each
message makes sense, doesn't for me. If one is exchanging letters with
others would you put the most recent letter on the top, or bottom of the
pile? If you select the bottom, every time you made reference to it you
would need to pick up the pile and pull the bottom letter; in a business
environment, chaos.

Take care,

Don - Vancouver, USA
"May your shadow be found in happy places." - Native North American

"Stan Brown" <the_stan_brown(a)> wrote in message
> Fri, 8 Jan 2010 09:31:36 -0800 from "Don Schmidt" <"Don Schmidt">:
>> If top posting is so bad, why does the cursor default to the top when
>> creating a response?
> Because you're using a bad newsreader. Microsoft has made a career
> of subverting Internet standards -- look at the sequence of Internet
> Explorers for more evidence.
> --
> Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems, Tompkins County, New York, USA
> Shikata ga nai...

From: thanatoid on
"Don Schmidt" <Don Engineer(a)PNB.Retired_1987> wrote in

> It is better to put the most recent correspondence on the
> top, reverse chronological filing. Why many think
> scrolling to the bottom of each message makes sense,
> doesn't for me. If one is exchanging letters with others
> would you put the most recent letter on the top, or bottom
> of the pile? If you select the bottom, every time you made
> reference to it you would need to pick up the pile and pull
> the bottom letter; in a business environment, chaos.

If you have perfect memory and never get confused by anything
and remember EVERYTHING everybody says, and recall references to
links made 20 posts earlier by someone who only posted once ever
so s/he is not a friend of yours, then fine. But I don't know
many people like that.

One of the things that made text Usenet great (when it /was/
great instead of crippled and slowly being killed off) was that
you could engage in interesting (or stupid) threads, and it is
much easier to keep LOGIC /logical/ when it is in FORWARD
chronological order.

Also, you don't leave posts in their entirety. You reply to what
you feel needs a comment, right below, and you <SNIP> what is
not relevant or IYO unnecessary for further discussion.