From: Y.Porat on
On Feb 18, 10:04 am, ben6993 <ben6...(a)> wrote:
> On Feb 18, 6:34 am, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> > see my abstsrct
> > it is mostly zooming into  the nuc
> > though the dimensions    od th iner nuke  are
> > far smaller than the abiliy of out cureent tools
> > to actually see it !!
> > it is by acumulating information from differnt disciplines and cross
> > verifying it ...
> > -----------
> I have looked more closely at your abstract.  You have clearly spent a
> lot of time on this and it is not easy to understand.
a lot of time ?? (:-)

what you saw is an abstarct pf a few [ages
my whole book is of about 150 pages like that!!

i could sit with you a few semester dealing with it !!!
anyway it seems to be that you are the 'type' that could get it nicely
as you felt in involves a lot of time
do you know waht was th emost difficult part in my
pioneering work ::
it was
fo r instance that in a heavy Atom
th e number of Protons and electrons is the same !!

and for that i had to conclude that
while inner connections of protons and neutreons are done
th e protons that are 'buried' inside with no free edge
outwads - they loose their electric charge
that is located on their edges !! (as another link on the 'chain')
and for that i had to conclude that
protons and neutrons are not spheres but something longish

etc etc !!
 Also, as I do
> not have the relevant current physics at my fingertips so I find it
> hard to comment on the quality either of your work or the
> corresponding current state of physics in the areas you deal with.
it is difficult to believe it but
the current physics about geometric structure of
the nuc and Atom
is a 'hundred years'' behind me !!!..
and if it will go on like that it will be many hundred
years behind me ...
indeed there ar emany aspects that i didnt study
and curent knowledge is much better than mine.
waht i claime is a much better breakthrough knowledge
about some important specific aspects !!
------------and you want believe me
it gave me a much better understanding about
and the interaction between them
> But I certainly recognise the time and effort you have obviously spent
at least 7 years
sometimes days and deap into the nights
i t nearly ruined my health ..
but then i was younger and stronger ....
> on it.
> You said you have used arithmetic and I can see that you have done
> that for calculating energy levels using a (sort of?) difference
> engine, or using multiple increments of a constant energy value.  I

there is one thing that you could not notice ie
that all binding energies are actually mass losses
that are some uknown subparticles
that even those subaprticles are still sub divided
definite 'blocks' of mass sort of
specific' bricks' that are building the struvcture
as brick b brick
wal by wall
level by lever
if your like like your metaphor of braiding our body
but still our body is nothing to compare
by its complexity !!
te inorganic world is obviously much 'simpler""""
than the
organic world !!
> know very little about the distribution of protons and neutrons within
> the atom but I can make a few comments as follows.
> You have the protons strung out in a line in the alpha nucleus.  That
> makes sense in termes of protons all having the same charge and
> therefore repelling one another as far as possible while still
> connected or 'touching', but what of the nuclear glue force?

yes indeed
it is not th eelecttric charge

i told you that the electric charge is lost
in inner connections of the nuc not in outer connections !!
> that (if strong enough) bring them into a heap or cluster?

if you understand thatthe
protons and neutrons are not sort of balls
and they ar elongish and connected only at their edges
the number of possible degrees of freedom for connections - bcomes
ways less !!

 Also, I
> thought that protons morphed into neutrons and vice versa with the
> exchange of smaller particles.  That would be harder to do if they
> were all strung out in two separate lines?  A proton in the proton
> line changing into a neutron would have to get out of the proton line
> and into the neutron line?

as you can see the forcess that conect it all
are very 'directional " sort of beams spred out
(linerar chain of orbitals as well)
so if you get that Alpha particle tetrahedron
no one is disturbing or interfering the other !!
> A question I have is what effect does interference between proton
> charges have on the location of the electon?  Two or more protons in a
> nucleus should interfere where their pull on the electrons should be
> banded into relatively stronger and weaker fringes?
> -------------------
now Ben sorry
we cant go and chew it all in one post on the net
if youl ike we can do it privately
step by step
> > i ddin say that time is not a poperty of the  universe
> > i said that time is sort of being mystified as an
> > independent creature for itself!
> > time is not like say mass or length
> > time is as i said
> > motion comparison
> > iow
> > if there will  be no motion- there will  be  no time !!!
> > unlike say length or mass that will laways be
> > let emtell you a thought experiment that i did
> > while i was an\bouth 16 years old
> > suppose that all motion in the universe
> > stops completely  simultaneously -
> > for one tousand years
> > (incuding the electrons  quarks photons etc -in your body ...)
> > and 'after that' will simultaneously  beging again at once
> > moving
> > my question was:
> > will you notice that in that case 1 billionyears passed ??!!
> > so that is what i mean that time is motion comparison dependent
> This is not too unlike thoughts I have had in the last year.  I too
> have thought how very important movement was.  My thought arose out of
> trying to imagine multiverses. (All speculation and no physics,
> alas.)   An analogy is with the growth of a baby or cell culture.
> Every so often there is mitosis or cell fission. For a baby both new
> sets of cells are in its body, but say space fissured in a similar way
> (though not limited to only two new quanta fro each old one).  We
> somehow have a choice of which new cell or quantum of space to jump
> into. And these are alternatives.  If we choose one then the others
> are never again accessible.   (This would be an instantaneous jump of
> the sort we have been discussing.)   The only way that I could think
> for us to make that choice as to which one to 'pick' is through our
> motion.  Inanimate objects still have to choose but their motion is
> decided for them by their inertia (Newton's first law of motion).  We
> are not picking from from a choice of entering say two or more
> completely separateuniverses.  The choice is made at each quantum of
> space and there is no rule which says eg all type A quanta go into
> universe A.  It is a mix and match composite made quantum by quantum
> eg we could have chosen AABBAABABBBAAAB  ........etc for whichever
> quanta our bodies occupy.
> If that process stopped for 1000 years as you suggest in a thought
> experiment, then yes time would have stopped.  But for me that is just
> saying if time were to stop then it would stop.  If everything in say
> a particular rock were to stop moving (while the rest of the world
> carried on) then in my speculation the rock could not make the
> necessary choices of which quanta to move to. (Though the rock can't
> really stop moving because of inertia, and all things are moving wrt
> something else.  If there is no such thing as absolute time and space
> then where oh where could the rock be when it stopped?)  Also, if a
> rock had somehow 'lost' a thousand years, would we notice?
> > no  htat is not how i understnt it
> > i said
> > the motion of some basics inside matter
> > aht happence is
> > diverting that inner motion
> > from inner motion - outwards !!
> > sot of
> > suppose a satellite orbiting around our earth
> > now in order of sending it  to say the moon
> > you dont have to 'propell is from stand still position
> > you have only to push it perpendicularly to its tangential   direction
> > of its  movement !!
> But a photon has to get from non existence to moving at speed c
> somehow.  All I can think of is that it manages this within one
> quantum of time.  It must just show that a lot can happen in one
> quantum of time?
> Regards
> Ben
From: Y.Porat on
On Feb 18, 10:35 am, ben6993 <ben6...(a)> wrote:
> On Feb 18, 6:34 am, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> etc
> PS
> I don't understand the count of the number of protons and neutrons you
> have in your first diagram of your abstract, which is an alpha
> particle?  Unless you are showing the same protons at multiple
> positions?
an alpha is counted as 2 protons and 2 neutrons
a proton is marked while'
and a neutron is marked 'black "
or else i would not find my hands
and my leges in that mess
that is bTW
why i had to invent my hieroglyphic system
of mapping in 2 D the 3D structure
in short
is is a work for a few Semesters to learn it


From: ben6993 on
On Feb 18, 10:08 am, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:

> now Ben sorry
> we cant go and chew it all in one post on the net
> if youl ike we can do it privately

I will attempt to look in detail at what you have written in your
abstract on the alpha particle. At the worst, even if I end up
disagreeing, it will still be very good for me to do some work on the
alpha particle to see what I can learn about current theory. I will
get back to you privately by email when I am ready to say something
useful about the alpha particle.


From: Y.Porat on
On Feb 19, 3:12 pm, ben6993 <ben6...(a)> wrote:
> On Feb 18, 10:08 am, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> > now Ben sorry
> > we cant go  and chew it all in one post on the net
> > if youl  ike we can do it privately
> I will attempt to look in detail at what you have written in your
> abstract on the alpha particle. At the worst, even if I end up
> disagreeing, it will still be very good for me to do some work on the
> alpha particle to see what I can learn about current theory.  I will
> get back to you privately by email when I am ready to say something
> useful about the alpha particle.
> Regards
> Ben
OK thanks

From: Y.Porat on
On Feb 19, 3:12 pm, ben6993 <ben6...(a)> wrote:
> On Feb 18, 10:08 am, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> > now Ben sorry
> > we cant go  and chew it all in one post on the net
> > if youl  ike we can do it privately
> I will attempt to look in detail at what you have written in your
> abstract on the alpha particle. At the worst, even if I end up
> disagreeing, it will still be very good for me to do some work on the
> alpha particle to see what I can learn about current theory.  I will
> get back to you privately by email when I am ready to say something
> useful about the alpha particle.
> Regards
> Ben


I invite you to join my new thread
which i called :

'A copyright question ' !
