From: S. B. Gray on
On 8/10/2010 12:55 AM, David Bailey wrote:
> Since the subject of possible enhancements to the FE is being discussed,
> I wonder if we could determine which feature would be most popular. I
> have two requests:
> 1) Infinite undo!
> 2) Better documentation of functions such as Import that perform a
> range of operations. So many details seem to slip between the cracks.
> For example, nowhere does there seem to be a statement that .mid files
> can be exported but not imported!
> 3) A total ban on the word "typical" - it doesn't belong in
> documentation that is supposed to be definitive!
> Please add suggestions in replies and we can see which is the most popular.
> David Bailey
I vote for infinite undo, AND -

1. MUCH more rational behavior of text handling in general. Some of the
things it does are either gross bugs or totally bizarre decisions. If
anyone else cares I will list the ones that bug me the most. Given all
the dumb things that it does I would never consider it for serious
writing tasks.

2. Selection of noncontiguous text like MS Word (finally) does, so you
can apply changes to a bunch of separated text all at once.

3. Better visibility of cell properties for example non-evaluatable,
text cells, etc.

4. Better visibility of found strings during searches. I waste time
trying to find the things it just found. Add backwards searches and
better notification of what it's doing.

5. An easy way to have Print work more like it does in C (a language
that I hate). Specifically a way to print pieces of lines while Mathematica is
calculating rather than Print working only in whole lines.

Steve Gray

From: Vince Virgilio on
On Aug 11, 4:46 am, "Hans Michel" <hmic...(a)> wrote:
> The FE and the language itself needs a new expression between Notebook an=
> Cell (above CellGroup which is still a Cell) we need Compartment.
> Compartments can exist side by side in the screen environment and content
> can overflow into the next linked Compartment.
> With Compartment you can now do interactive pagination.


No need for Neologisms.

Why not simply call it a Page?

As you imply, Pagination is a crucial concept.

Vince Virgilio

From: Themis Matsoukas on
> Since the subject of possible enhancements to the FE
> is being discussed,
> I wonder if we could determine which feature would be
> most popular. I
> have two requests:
> 1) Infinite undo!

--Even finite undo (with redo) would be great.

--A simple(r) way to change the working directory for input/output operations from the default (root) to the directory of the current notebook. The only way I know how is

"FileName" /. NotebookInformation[EvaluationNotebook[]], {1},

Being incapable of memorizing it, I save this monstrosity in a safe vault and recycle it from notebook to notebook.


From: Murray Eisenberg on
There already is a "Possible issues" section on ref pages. Not that all,
or even many, of the sort of "gotchas" you want are already there, but
that's an obvious place for them. Perhaps, if you're going to use a
Mathematica function seriously, you really should "devote enough time to
really read through all of [the sections]" on that function's ref page.

On 8/11/2010 4:45 AM, AES wrote:
> ...Might seem more than enough -- in fact, too much, since no real person
> just wanting to get enough info to use a given command can devote enough
> time to really read through all of them.
> But still: add an additional category to some (not all -- maybe just a
> few) documentation pages, where needed: a category named something like
> "Warnings" or "Hints" or even "Gotchas", whose purpose would be just to
> give brief warnings about those gotchas that occur most frequently in
> connection with that particular command.

Murray Eisenberg murray(a)
Mathematics & Statistics Dept.
Lederle Graduate Research Tower phone 413 549-1020 (H)
University of Massachusetts 413 545-2859 (W)
710 North Pleasant Street fax 413 545-1801
Amherst, MA 01003-9305

From: Yves Klett on
At least concerning the notebook directory there is an easy way:


leads to



Am 12.08.2010 11:31, schrieb Themis Matsoukas:
>> Since the subject of possible enhancements to the FE
>> is being discussed,
>> I wonder if we could determine which feature would be
>> most popular. I
>> have two requests:
>> 1) Infinite undo!
> --Even finite undo (with redo) would be great.
> --A simple(r) way to change the working directory for input/output operations from the default (root) to the directory of the current notebook. The only way I know how is
> SetDirectory[ToFileName[
> Extract[
> "FileName" /. NotebookInformation[EvaluationNotebook[]], {1},
> FrontEnd`FileName]]]
> Being incapable of memorizing it, I save this monstrosity in a safe vault and recycle it from notebook to notebook.
> Themis