From: Asif Nawaz on
I have to develop a fuzzy system. How can i create input variables, their membership function and create the rules such that the results obtained from fuzzy approach is equivalent to non fuzzy approach.
I have 5 input variables
1. wf - ranges from 0 to 30, but most of the values are in between 0 and 5.
2. iwf - ranges from 0 to 1
3. order - ranges from 0 to 3
4. adjFactor - it can be either one of the number in {1,2,10}
5. zone - it can be either one of the numbers in {0.1,2,3,5}

I have one output variables, whose non-fuzzy equation is
score = wf* zone * iwf + order * adjFactor;

I have created mamdani FIS but the score i am getting through fuzzy approach doesn't match with non fuzzy approach. How do i do that?
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