From: Matt Fig on
Did you see my comment above? I understood you were using nested functions for one type of callback but a switchyard for another. Is this the case?
From: Ryan on
hey thanks for the help. i ended up getting rid of the switch and global FG in my function and setting all of the callbacks as functions, and it seems to be working great.

"Matt Fig" <spamanon(a)> wrote in message <hvhls8$hs$1(a)>...
> I do not understand why you seem to be mixing switchyard programming for the callbacks with function handles for the selectionchangefcn. Why not just use nested functions for all callback types, thus getting rid of the switchyard and the globals in one step? In any case, this does seem to work:

> function NA(Action)
> global FG
> if nargin==0
> Action = 'Initial';
> end
> switch (Action)
> case 'Initial'
> FG.g1 = uibuttongroup(...
> 'selectionchangefcn',@g1func);
> FG.b1 = uicontrol('style','toggle',...
> 'Callback','NA(''test1'')'); % This is evaluated at the command line.
> case 'test1'
> FG % Display what is in FG....
> end