From: Audric on

I am Audric and I use Matlab 2010a.
I face a problem when implementing my Matlab GUI. In some callbacks I delete buttons and replace them by others. The problem is that my structure h is updated in the function but not outside (h.fig is the figure, h.button1 the first button...). I do not use nested functions.

Here is a structure of a callback where the problem stands

function detailsportfolioscallback(hObject, eventdata, h)
% Delete of previous buttons in panel parameters
h = rmfield(h, 'button1');
% Creation of new buttons
h.button2 = uicontrol(h.panel1,'Style','checkbox', 'String','olcf', 'Position',[30 480 150 20]);
% Assignement of callback functions
set(h.button2, 'callback', {@button2callback, h});

Strange that i use exactly the same as here:

Maybe I should use something like guidata but for the update of the figure and its components...

Could you help me please?

From: Frédéric Bergeron on
> Maybe I should use something like guidata but for the update of the figure and its components...
> Could you help me please?
> Regards,


I'm programming a GUI with about 15 callback function at the moment. I use guidata and it works very well. Here's how I do it.

The first and last lines of all my callback functions:

%Variables from another functions

%[program from the callback function]

%Saving variables for other functions
set(handles.plan_dessin,'edgecolor',[48 48 48]./255,'facealpha',0.2,'hittest','off');

So basically I use a mixed method with guidata, setappdata/getdata and global variables. Guidata for handles, setappdata/getappdata for variables used in like 2 to 5 subfunctions, and global variables for varaiables wich are used in almost all of my callback functions.

I do not claim my method to be the best, I even think (from what I've read) that using global variable may causes more problems than what you get from being easy to write. Guidata is a good one thought.

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