From: Achim Göritz on 6 Mar 2010 19:18 Hi! My_GUI is designed to pass the output data to another script. Unfourtunatly while calling the OutputFcn the handles structure is empty. I read about this problem in this forum but I didn´t get the point. My script is as follows: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function myGUI_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) .... uiwait(gcf) .... function varargout = myGUI_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) varargout{1} =; delete(gcf) function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) [handles.datafile.filename,handles.datafile.path]=uigetfile('*.*','Select Datafile'); handles.rawdata=importdata(strcat(handles.datafile.path,handles.datafile.filename));; guidata(gcbo,handles); uiresume(gcf) close(gcf) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I checked with the statement 'keyword' to which point the handles data is available in the script, so I am sure it disappears when myGUI_OutputFcn is called. In addition I tried setting a flag, as mentioned here before but this also does not seem to work. Thanks Achim
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