From: rams on
I have a code that generates a curve on a GUI based on 4 input variables. I want to erase old curve every time input variables changed using the sliders in the GUI.A part of my code is...

plot(LRT(:,1),LRT(:,2),'-b'); % part of code used to generate plot on GUI for the first time code executed

protext=['LRT=prospect(get(sli_N,''value''),get(sli_chl,''value''),get(sli_wat,''value''),get(sli_dry,''value''));', ...
'plot(LRT(:,1),LRT(:,2),''-b'');', ...
'xlabel(''Wavelength (nm)'');', ...
'h=legend(''Reflectance'');', ...
'set(h,''Position'',[0.592 0.81 0.24 0.09]);', ...
'axis([400 850 0 1])']; % part of the code used to generate plot whenever the values of inputs changed using sliders on GUI

Not sure what to change to erase the old plot whenever input values adjusted using sliders.
From: matt dash on

delete(p) to erase it.

or, instead of deleting and replotting, just:
set(p,'xdata',LRT(:,1),'ydata',LRT(:,2)) when the sliders change.
From: rams on
Hi Matt,

Thanks for the reply. For both delete(p)and set(p,'xdata',LRT(:,1),'ydata',LRT(:,2)) i am getting following error

??? Error using ==>
(nm)');h=legend('Reflectance');set(h,'Position',[0.592 0.81 0.24 0.09]);axis([400 850 0 1])
Error: Unexpected MATLAB expression.

??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback