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From: begraphic on 13 May 2010 18:06 gives you FOR FREE 3 types of new charts inside Excel and PowerPoint (from version 2000 to 2010 64bit) : Speedometer : new types of charts for showing performance, known as gauges and meters thematic maps, also called choropleth maps (you can even receive 10 000 maps for free if you send them this request using your business email) the largest collection of sparklines / in-cell graphics (No other software has such a range of micro-charts) ShaneDevenshir wrote: RE: How do I make a "fuel gauge" type graph (from 1-5) to show data 07-Feb-07 There is an example at Jon Peltier's web site. -- Thanks, Shane Devenshire "Gene Flood" wrote: Previous Posts In This Thread: On Wednesday, February 07, 2007 3:34 PM Gene Floo wrote: How do I make a "fuel gauge" type graph (from 1-5) to show data I want to show discrete data on a "fuel gauge" style chart to show progress on a scale from 1 to 5. For our audience, seeing a needle point to "3" is an effective way to show that we are "half way there" when measuring progress. On Wednesday, February 07, 2007 3:45 PM ShaneDevenshir wrote: RE: How do I make a "fuel gauge" type graph (from 1-5) to show data There is an example at Jon Peltier's web site. -- Thanks, Shane Devenshire "Gene Flood" wrote: Submitted via EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice Get Silverlight 4 Installed: Tips and Tricks |