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How do you randomly assign numbers without getting duplicates? Great idea, imho. Bob I wrote: Do RAND() first, Sort, THEN apply 1-9004 to the results. Meesh wrote: I'm trying to randomly assign a number between 1 and 9004 for a mailing list in Excel. What I plan to do, is then sort cases from smallest number (1) to largest number (9004) and take the ... 2 Apr 2010 14:52
PIVOT TABLE Help Please I have an Excel 07 table. It has a vertical column of names and then horizontal headings of organization, software, version, if it's licensed, and a few other things. I'd like to create a pivot table that shows me all the names on the left (sorted into respective groups), and then the headings at the top of s... 6 Apr 2010 14:12
highlight the row of the cell Im working in? I am dealing with a lot of data and I ma trying to highlight the row of the cell I am currently working on. Any suggestions that Excel 2007 can perform with out add-ons? ... 3 Apr 2010 15:57
Name a worksheet tab based on the value in a cell. Hello all, I have found a lot of posts about how to populate a cell with the value in the worksheet tab name, but not the other way around. I would like to automatically name the worksheet tab based on the value in a specific cell. I'm ok with formula's but not "up" on VB. Is there a formula I could use to ... 2 Apr 2010 14:52
Sumif comparing dates in criteria I'm trying to use SUMIF =SUMIF(L6:L8,"=and(>B20,<=C20)",K6:K8) where column L has dates in it, column K has dollar amounts and the criteria is looking at a fields that have dates. So, trying to include in the sum the payment amount if the estimated payment date is greater than last week's date but less then t... 2 Apr 2010 13:45
z-order of various lines and bars in an Excel 2007 chart What is the procedure for changing the z-order of various lines and bars in an Excel 2007 chart, such as drop lines, high-low lines, up/ down bars, and error bars? I observed that when I add drop lines to an Excel 2007 chart, they appear in front of the underlying data -- in my case, the underlying data is displ... 2 Apr 2010 13:45
Drop down/data validation list Hello--I'm in a frustrating situation. Recently, we upgraded to Excel 2007 from 2003. First of all, I CANNOT FIND THE "HELP" FUNCTION in 2007, no matter what tab/list i click on, and it's driving me crazy. (I reall don't see how this made office "better" than 2003, as now almost every office program I use do... 2 Apr 2010 14:52
vlookup + if formula help! I have a list of names on sheet2 (a1:a69) and if the name in cell a1 (sheet1) matches any of those names then I want it to say "NO" in cell a2 (sheet1). if it doesn't match then I want it to say "YES" in cell a2 (sheet1). I'm assuming it is a combination of a "vlookup" and a "if" formula, but I can't right it... 2 Apr 2010 12:38
replace ' in cells I have a spreadsheet where all the fields (except those with numbers) have a ' before the data in the cell. The ' does not show up in the cell, but only in the formula line. CTRL+H does not work, nor does it work using the ~ with the ' (either before or after the ' character). I need to remove this character... 2 Apr 2010 23:41 |