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Algebrais Functions
How would you solve a function with input 1 output 8. Then input 2 output 14. next input 3 output is blank then input is blank Output is 24. the input is blank and the out put is 28. Finally, the input is 6 and the output is blank. ... 27 May 2010 18:11
Date Formatting
Tommy, These rogue dates that won't format may be text that look like dates. If we have one of these in A1 try this formula =isnumber(a1) which should evaluate as TRUE. If it evaluates as false then it's text. The fix depends on what is actually in the cell but you could try putting a 1 in an empty cel... 27 May 2010 18:11
Bankup of worksheet
Hi I have I workbook I that I have more than 10 worksheet I want to take a backup of only 1 worksheet which name is “Data” that is to store in other folder & when I take backup next time it should over write lake backup any help. Thanks ... 27 May 2010 18:11
print only range that contain information in excel 2007
i have a large worksheet to cover a large number of possible inserted entries, all cells show blank until entries are copied and pasted in the worksheet. The amount of entries vary. Is there a way to set the workseet to print only the range of cells with information in them ... 27 May 2010 18:11
How to print one header over several columns of data
I want to print one title over a span of columns - what is the command? ... 27 May 2010 21:29
Text to Columns issue
Hi, The accounting program that I use does not have a well formatted excel download, so it is better to dump the data into notepad and then format it. I have created a macro to do the formatting for me. The only trouble is that if I open excel, and I run the macro, if I want to put new data in the file to ... 27 May 2010 20:23
How to create a crosstab in Excel
Hi everyone! Need help ASAP! I have a simple spreadsheet that looks like this: Origin State Dest State Company AL AL A AL AR A AL AZ B AZ AL A AZ ... 27 May 2010 19:18
I have created an Add-In, by openning the VBA, inserting code into a general module and then saving the workbook as a Excel Add-In. I then added the file to my Add-Ins through Add-Ins manager. The formula works yeah!, but doesn't show in the list of available formulas as I type. I would like to roll this out... 27 May 2010 21:29
Pivot Table ... Stacked Col & Area Graph
Excel2003 ... I have a Pivot Table "Stacked Col" Chart reflecting operators & the time they charged to a part ... Sometimes an operation is completed by 1 operator (sometimes multiple operators) ... So far this part of the Chart works fine ... Now I would like to add the "time" the operation "should take" ... ... 27 May 2010 18:11
green arrows in cells
how do I remove green arrows that are in the upper left hand portion of cell? ... 27 May 2010 18:11
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