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From: JUN on 4 May 2010 10:29 bonjour I am trying to generate correlated spike trains, which consists in selecting spikes from common spikes trains. I start with the case of a homogeneous pool with instantaneous correlations, I simulated two homogeneous Poisson spike trains and the input correlation between two spikes trains , the source code is clear dt =0.0001; tmax = 3; t = 0:dt:tmax; Ntrials = 2; %the number of trails spikes = zeros(Ntrials,length(t)); r=zeros(Ntrials,length(t)); for i = 1:length(t) r(i)=5; if dt*r(i)>rand(1) % using a Poisson spike generator spikes1(i) = 1.0; % include a spike if the rate is high enough end end for i = 1:length(t) r(i)=5; if dt*r(i)>rand(1) % using a Poisson spike generator spikes2(i) = 1.0; % include a spike if the rate is high enough end end figure(1) subplot(2,1,1),plot(spikes1); subplot(2,1,2),plot(spikes2); c= cov(spikes1, spikes2)/sqrt(var(spikes1)*var( spikes2)) % input correlations my questions are: the lengths of spikes1 and spkies2 don't I can do ? how to generate the spikes input are selected from two homogeneous Poisson spike trains each of rate r such that the with-in group correlation strength is 0 ≤ c ≤ 1 ? Could you please help me ? Thanks. merci mille fois
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