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From: Crumb on 24 Jan 2006 12:37 Hi, I have a problem with a German VB file which I am sure is related to the time and date format used in the UK If i sent my PC to location Germany then the code works. Can any help, here is the code '*************************************** '**** Author Eve '**** Swyx Communications AG '**** Import Call Detail Records '************************************** 'Version 1.03 'Public Const LOCALE_SSHORTDATE = &H1F Public Declare Function GetSystemDefaultLCID _ Lib "kernel32" () As Long Public Declare Function SetLocaleInfo _ Lib "kernel32" Alias "SetLocaleInfoA" ( _ ByVal Locale As Long, _ ByVal LCType As Long, _ ByVal lpLCData As String) As Boolean Public box3, box4_1, box4_0 As Variant '***********ADD IN********************** 'automated macro to make a new taskbar entry '*************************************** '#1 Sub Auto_open() Application.DisplayAlerts = False Dim ComBar As CommandBar On Error GoTo ErrLabel 'make a new taskbar entry "Call Detail Records 'with sub entries "Load Data" and "Save Data" Const MenueName = "Call Detail Records" 'count entries with name "Call Detail Records" Dim i i = 0 For Each ComBar In Application.CommandBars If ComBar.Name = "Call Detail Records" Then i = i + 1 End If Next 'if entry already existe, delete all entries If i > 0 Then ComBar.Delete Exit Sub i = 0 End If 'create new entry With Application.MenuBars(xlWorksheet) .Menus.Add Caption:=MenueName '.Menus(MenueName).MenuItems.Add Caption:="Load CDR Version 3.20", OnAction:="WarningMessageV3" .Menus(MenueName).MenuItems.Add Caption:="Load CDR", OnAction:="WarningMessageV4_0" '.Menus(MenueName).MenuItems.Add Caption:="Load CDR Version 4.10", OnAction:="WarningMessageV4_1" .Menus(MenueName).MenuItems.Add Caption:="Save Data", OnAction:="SaveData" End With 'delete 3rd worksheet Dim wkstemp Set wkstemp = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(3) wkstemp.Select Application.DisplayAlerts = False ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Delete Application.DisplayAlerts = True ErrLabel: End Sub '****LOAD USERFORM********************** 'calls UserForm to choose the starting and finish date '*************************************** '#2 Sub LoadDialog_Load() LoadDialog.CalendarStart.value = Now LoadDialog.CalendarFinish.value = Now 'Ian Rowan LoadDialog.txtInputPathName.value = "\\avebury\swyx\" LoadDialog.Show End Sub '#4 Sub WarningMessageV4_0() box4_0 = 1 Call LoadDialog_Load End Sub '#5 Sub WarningMessageV4_1() box4_1 = 1 Call LoadDialog_Load End Sub '***********LOAD DATA******************* 'main macro to load and format the call detail records '*************************************** '#6 Sub LoadData() Application.DisplayAlerts = False Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'Show text of Label in Userform LoadDialog.Label5.Visible = True LoadDialog.Repaint '***********DECLARATION***************** '*************************************** 'worksheets Dim wks1 As Worksheet Dim wks2 As Worksheet Dim wks3 As Worksheet 'of columns of Origination Nr & Name, Destination Nr & Name 'Start Date & Time, End Date & Time, Duration (SumDif between Start time ' & end time), Currency, Costs, State, Public Access Prefix, Project Number, 'AOC for wks1 Dim xColOrigiNum& Dim xColOrigiName& Dim xColCalledNum& Dim xColCalledName& Dim xColDestNum& Dim xColDestName& Dim xColStartDate& Dim xColStartTime& Dim xColEndDate& Dim xColEndTime& Dim xColSumDif& Dim xColCurrency& Dim xColCosts& Dim xColState& Dim xColPAP& Dim xColLCR& Dim xColProjNum& Dim xColAOC& Dim xColOrigiDevice& Dim xColDestDevice& 'statistics Dim xColStatistics& '= xColOrigiNum& Dim xColStatistics2& Dim xColResults& '= xColOrigiName& Dim xColResultsInt2& Dim xColResultsExt2& Dim xRowStatistics& Dim xRowAllCalls& Dim xRowIntCalls& Dim xRowExtCalls& Dim xRowCosts& Dim xRowCostCalls& Dim xRowTime& Dim xRowDurCalls& Dim xRowStatus& Dim xRowExtConnected& Dim xRowExtAlerting& Dim xRowExtInit& Dim xRowExtHold& Dim xRowExtTransf& 'Time Per Call (= sumdiff ), Costs Per Name for wks2 Dim xColDestNum2& Dim xColDestName2& Dim xColStartDate2& Dim xColStartTime2& Dim xColTimePerCall& Dim xColCostsPerName& 'rows Dim xRowHeader& 'first row for header Dim xRowFirst& 'second row = first row to insert cdr Dim xRowLast& 'last written row Dim xRowTotal& 'row after xRowLast& to calculate total time and costs Dim xRowActive& 'current active row Dim xRowTemp& 'current caller name Dim xColOrigiNameValue As Variant 'results wks1 Dim xSumDif# Dim xTotalTime# Dim xTotalCosts# 'statistics wks1 Dim xAllCalls# Dim xDurCalls# Dim xIntCalls# Dim xExtCalls# Dim xCostCalls# Dim xExtConnected# Dim xExtAlerting# Dim xExtInit# Dim xExtHold# Dim xExtTransf# Dim xIntConnected# Dim xIntAlerting# Dim xIntInit# Dim xIntHold# Dim xIntTransf# Dim beginDate Dim endDate '***********INITIALIZATION************** '*************************************** 'Set fixed german date format for all date operations, 'since Swyx Server creates CDR files with fixed german 'date format ! ' Dim lngLocale As Long ' lngLocale = GetSystemDefaultLCID() 'bReturn = SetLocaleInfo(lngLocale, LOCALE_SSHORTDATE, "MM.dd.yyyy") 'initialize rows xRowHeader& = 1 xRowFirst& = 2 xRowTemp& = 2 'initialize columns for wks1 xColOrigiNum& = 1 xColOrigiName& = 2 xColOrigiDevice& = 3 xColCalledNum& = 4 xColCalledName& = 5 xColDestNum& = 6 xColDestName& = 7 xColDestDevice& = 8 xColStartDate& = 9 xColStartTime& = 10 xColEndDate& = 11 xColEndTime& = 12 xColSumDif& = 13 xColCurrency& = 14 xColCosts& = 15 xColState& = 16 xColPAP& = 17 xColLCR& = 18 xColProjNum& = 19 xColAOC& = 20 'Statistics xColStatistics& = 1 xColResults& = 2 xColStatistics2& = 4 xColResultsInt2& = 5 xColResultsExt2& = 6 'wks2 xColDestNum2& = 3 xColDestName2& = 4 xColStartDate2& = 5 xColStartTime2& = 6 xColTimePerCall& = 7 xColCostsPerName& = 8 'define workbook with its worksheets ActiveWorkbook.Author = "Eve*" Set wks1 = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1) Set wks2 = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(2) Set wks3 = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(3) wks1.Cells.Delete Shift:=xlUp wks2.Cells.Delete Shift:=xlUp wks3.Cells.Delete Shift:=xlUp 'format worksheets wks1.Name = "CDR Total" wks2.Name = "CDR per Name" wks3.Name = "Profile" wks1.Cells.NumberFormat = "General" wks2.Cells.NumberFormat = "General" wks3.Cells.NumberFormat = "General" 'format columns "@" = Stringformat wks1.Columns("A").NumberFormat = "@" wks1.Columns("B").NumberFormat = "@" wks1.Columns("C").NumberFormat = "@" wks1.Columns("D").NumberFormat = "@" wks1.Columns("E").NumberFormat = "@" wks1.Columns("F").NumberFormat = "@" wks1.Columns("G").NumberFormat = "@" wks1.Columns("H").NumberFormat = "@" wks1.Columns("N").NumberFormat = "@" wks1.Columns("O").NumberFormat = "@" wks2.Columns("A").NumberFormat = "@" wks2.Columns("B").NumberFormat = "@" wks2.Columns("C").NumberFormat = "@" wks2.Columns("D").NumberFormat = "@" 'clean up wks1 wks1.Select Selection.ClearContents Selection.ClearFormats 'get Value of DTPickers beginDate = LoadDialog.beginDate endDate = LoadDialog.endDate '***********SEARCH IN TEXTFILE********** '*************************************** 'Declaration Dim curPath$ Dim xCount& Dim i& Dim Filename$ Dim Titelline$ Dim TokensTemp As Variant Dim compareToken Dim compareTokenV3x Dim compareTokenV40 Dim compareTokenV41 Dim Titleline Dim DataLine$ Dim Tokens As Variant Dim TempOrigiNum Dim TempOrigiName Dim TempCalledNum Dim TempCalledName Dim TempDestNum Dim TempDestName Dim TempStartDate Dim TempStartTime Dim TempEndDate Dim TempEndTime Dim TempCurrency Dim TempCosts Dim TempState Dim TempPAP Dim TempLCR Dim TempProjNum Dim TempAOC Dim TempOrigiDevice Dim TempDestDevice Dim fs Dim myfile 'As Scripting.File Dim myfilestream 'As Scripting.TextStream Dim value, delta, flag, count, startminuten, stopminuten 'get current pathname from textbox curPath$ = LoadDialog.curPath 'Have to change the path Application.FileSearch.LookIn = curPath$ Application.FileSearch.Filename = "*.txt" Application.FileSearch.FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles Application.FileSearch.Execute 'Number of files in the directory xCount& = Application.FileSearch.FoundFiles.count '#7 'for each file For i = 1 To xCount& On Error GoTo 100 Filename = Application.FileSearch.FoundFiles.Item(i) Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set myfile = fs.GetFile(Filename) Set myfilestream = myfile.OpenAsTextStream(1, -2) 'ingore first line with titles Titleline = myfilestream.ReadLine TokensTemp = Split(Titleline, """") If InStr(Titleline, "IpPbxSrv") > 0 Then Titleline = myfilestream.ReadLine TokensTemp = Split(Titleline, """") End If If UBound(TokensTemp) > 0 Then compareToken = TokensTemp(1) compareTokenV40 = "OriginationNumber" 'version 4.0 compareTokenV41 = "CallID" 'version 4.10 '#8 Check if csv entry is for version 4.0 If StrComp(compareToken, compareTokenV40, vbTextCompare) = 0 And StrComp(compareTokenV3x, compareTokenV40, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then Do LoadDialog.MousePointer = fmMousePointerHourGlass 'read line 'this is the first data line DataLine = myfilestream.ReadLine Tokens = Split(DataLine, """") 'take the tokens for each cell in the excelsheet TempOrigiNum = Tokens(1) TempOrigiName = Tokens(3) TempCalledNum = Tokens(5) TempCalledName = Tokens(7) TempDestNum = Tokens(9) TempDestName = Tokens(11) TempStartDate = Tokens(13) TempStartTime = Tokens(15) TempEndDate = Tokens(17) TempEndTime = Tokens(19) TempCurrency = Tokens(21) TempCosts = Tokens(23) TempState = Tokens(25) TempPAP = Tokens(27) TempLCR = Tokens(29) TempProjNum = Tokens(31) TempAOC = Tokens(33) TempOrigiDevice = Tokens(35) TempDestDevice = Tokens(37) '#9 proof if date is valid If CDate(TempStartDate) >= CDate(beginDate) And CDate(TempStartDate) <= CDate(endDate) Then 'insert tokens in the cell of the excelsheet wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColOrigiNum&).value = CStr(TempOrigiNum) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColOrigiName&).value = CVar(TempOrigiName) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColOrigiDevice&).value = CVar(TempOrigiDevice) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColCalledNum&).value = CStr(TempCalledNum) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColCalledName&).value = CVar(TempCalledName) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColDestNum&).value = CStr(TempDestNum) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColDestName&).value = CVar(TempDestName) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColDestDevice&).value = CVar(TempDestDevice) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColStartDate&).value = CDate(TempStartDate) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColStartTime&).value = CDate(TempStartTime) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColEndDate&).value = CDate(TempEndDate) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColEndTime&).value = CDate(TempEndTime) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColCurrency&).value = CStr(TempCurrency) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColCosts&).value = CDbl(TempCosts) / 100 wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColState&).value = CVar(TempState) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColPAP&).value = CVar(TempPAP) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColLCR&).value = CVar(TempLCR) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColProjNum&).value = CVar(TempProjNum) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColAOC&).value = CVar(TempAOC) xRowTemp& = xRowTemp& + 1 End If 'get next file if found end of file If myfilestream.AtEndOfStream = True Then Exit Do End If '#9 proof if date is valid Loop While CDate(TempStartDate) <= CDate(endDate) End If '#10 Check if csv entry is for version 4.10 If StrComp(compareToken, compareTokenV41, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then 'Call LoadData4_1 'Exit Sub Do LoadDialog.MousePointer = fmMousePointerHourGlass 'read line 'this is the first data line DataLine = myfilestream.ReadLine Tokens = Split(DataLine, """") 'take the tokens for each cell in the excelsheet TempOrigiNum = Tokens(3) TempOrigiName = Tokens(5) TempCalledNum = Tokens(7) TempCalledName = Tokens(9) TempDestNum = Tokens(11) TempDestName = Tokens(13) TempStartDate = Tokens(15) TempStartTime = Tokens(17) TempEndDate = Tokens(31) TempEndTime = Tokens(33) TempCurrency = Tokens(35) TempCosts = Tokens(37) TempState = Tokens(39) TempPAP = Tokens(41) TempLCR = Tokens(43) TempProjNum = Tokens(45) TempAOC = Tokens(47) TempOrigiDevice = Tokens(49) TempDestDevice = Tokens(51) '#9 proof if date is valid If CDate(TempStartDate) >= CDate(beginDate) And CDate(TempStartDate) <= CDate(endDate) Then 'insert tokens in the cell of the excelsheet wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColOrigiNum&).value = CStr(TempOrigiNum) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColOrigiName&).value = CVar(TempOrigiName) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColOrigiDevice&).value = CVar(TempOrigiDevice) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColCalledNum&).value = CStr(TempCalledNum) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColCalledName&).value = CVar(TempCalledName) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColDestNum&).value = CStr(TempDestNum) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColDestName&).value = CVar(TempDestName) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColDestDevice&).value = CVar(TempDestDevice) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColStartDate&).value = CDate(TempStartDate) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColStartTime&).value = CDate(TempStartTime) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColEndDate&).value = CDate(TempEndDate) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColEndTime&).value = CDate(TempEndTime) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColCurrency&).value = CStr(TempCurrency) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColCosts&).value = CDbl(TempCosts) / 100 wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColState&).value = CVar(TempState) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColPAP&).value = CVar(TempPAP) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColLCR&).value = CVar(TempLCR) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColProjNum&).value = CVar(TempProjNum) wks1.Cells(xRowTemp&, xColAOC&).value = CVar(TempAOC) xRowTemp& = xRowTemp& + 1 End If 'get next file if found end of file If myfilestream.AtEndOfStream = True Then Exit Do End If '#9 proof if date is valid Loop While CDate(TempStartDate) <= CDate(endDate) End If End If Next 100: On Error Resume Next '************** FORMAT WORKSHEET 1 ***** '*************************************** '#11 define value of headers wks1.Cells(xRowHeader&, xColOrigiNum&).value = "Caller, Number" wks1.Cells(xRowHeader&, xColOrigiName&).value = "Caller, Name" wks1.Cells(xRowHeader&, xColOrigiDevice&).value = "Caller, Device" wks1.Cells(xRowHeader&, xColCalledNum&).value = "Called, Number" wks1.Cells(xRowHeader&, xColCalledName&).value = "Called, Name" wks1.Cells(xRowHeader&, xColDestNum&).value = "Destination, Number" wks1.Cells(xRowHeader&, xColDestName&).value = "Destination, Name" wks1.Cells(xRowHeader&, xColDestDevice&).value = "Destination, Device" wks1.Cells(xRowHeader&, xColStartDate&).value = "Starting Date" wks1.Cells(xRowHeader&, xColStartTime&).value = "Starting Time" wks1.Cells(xRowHeader&, xColEndDate&).value = "Finish Date" wks1.Cells(xRowHeader&, xColEndTime&).value = "Finish Time" wks1.Cells(xRowHeader&, xColSumDif&).value = "Duration" wks1.Cells(xRowHeader&, xColCurrency&).value = "Currency" wks1.Cells(xRowHeader&, xColCosts&).value = "Costs" wks1.Cells(xRowHeader&, xColState&).value = "State" wks1.Cells(xRowHeader&, xColPAP&).value = "PAP" wks1.Cells(xRowHeader&, xColLCR&).value = "Provider" wks1.Cells(xRowHeader&, xColProjNum&).value = "Project" wks1.Cells(xRowHeader&, xColAOC&).value = "AOC" 'define format wks1.Columns("A").NumberFormat = "@" wks1.Columns("B").NumberFormat = "@" wks1.Columns("C").NumberFormat = "@" wks1.Columns("D").NumberFormat = "@" wks1.Columns("E").NumberFormat = "@" wks1.Columns("F").NumberFormat = "@" wks1.Columns("G").NumberFormat = "@" wks1.Columns("H").NumberFormat = "@" wks1.Columns("I").NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy" wks1.Columns("J").NumberFormat = "hh:mm:ss" wks1.Columns("K").NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy" wks1.Columns("L").NumberFormat = "hh:mm:ss" wks1.Columns("M").NumberFormat = "hh:mm:ss" wks1.Columns("N").NumberFormat = "@" wks1.Columns("O").NumberFormat = "#,##0.00" '#12 Error message: if first value of csv is 0 If wks1.Cells(2, 2).value = 0 Then Dim tempbox tempbox = MsgBox("No data was found with the given date." & _ "Please verify your selection!", vbOKOnly, "Error occured") LoadDialog.Hide LoadDialog.MousePointer = fmMousePointerArrow Exit Sub End If 'format worksheet1 wks1.Activate wks1.Cells(1, 1).Select ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Select '#13 format headers bold and align middle Selection.AutoFormat Format:=xlRangeAutoFormatSimple, Number:=True, Font _ :=True, Alignment:=True, Border:=True, Pattern:=True, Width:=True 'sort in alphabetical order Selection.Sort key1:=Cells(xRowFirst&, xColOrigiNum&), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes, _ OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom 'allow word-wrap With Selection .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom .WrapText = True .Orientation = 0 .AddIndent = False .ShrinkToFit = False .MergeCells = False End With 'freeze the headers, so you always see them while scrolling Rows("2:2").Select ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True 'Change caption of Label in the dialog LoadDialog.Label5.Caption = "..... processing ....." LoadDialog.Repaint '**CALCULATE TOTAL TIME, WORKSHEET 1 AND WORKSHEET 2*** '******************************************************* 'count till last row xRowLast& = wks1.Cells(wks1.Rows.count, xColEndTime&).End(xlUp).Row xRowTotal& = xRowLast& + 1 'last active row + 1 - to show total result 'current active row For xRowActive& = xRowFirst& To xRowLast& '#14 calculate xSumDif# 'proof valid cdr entry If wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColStartTime&).value <= wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColEndTime&).value Then xSumDif# = wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColEndTime&).value - wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColStartTime&).value 'xSumDif# for worksheet1 wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColSumDif&).NumberFormat = "[hh]:mm:ss" wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColSumDif&).FormulaR1C1 = CDate(xSumDif#) 'xSumDif# for worksheet2 wks2.Cells(xRowActive&, xColTimePerCall&).NumberFormat = "[hh]:mm:ss" wks2.Cells(xRowActive&, xColTimePerCall&).FormulaR1C1 = CDate(xSumDif#) xTotalTime# = xTotalTime# + xSumDif# xTotalCosts# = xTotalCosts# + CDec(wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColCosts&).value) Else 'if time value is not valid xSumDif# = 0 Dim box 'box = MsgBox("Please verify the original cdr file." & Chr(10) & "The end of the call is dated before the starting time." _ '& Chr(10) & "The error occured in line: " & xRowActive&, 48, "Warning: Wrong time") wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColSumDif&).value = "Error" End If '#15 internal or external call? If wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColAOC&).value = "1" Then xExtCalls# = xExtCalls# + 1 'iterate external calls End If 'which state 'connected If wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColState&).value = "Connected" Then If wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColAOC&).value = "1" Then xExtConnected# = xExtConnected# + 1 'iterate external calls with state "connected" Else xIntConnected# = xIntConnected# + 1 End If End If 'calling If wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColState&).value = "Alerting" Then If wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColAOC&).value = "1" Then xExtAlerting# = xExtAlerting# + 1 'iterate external calls with state "calling" Else xIntAlerting# = xIntAlerting# + 1 End If End If 'initialized If wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColState&).value = "Initialized" Then If wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColAOC&).value = "1" Then xExtInit# = xExtInit# + 1 'iterate external calls with state "initialized" Else xIntInit# = xIntInit# + 1 End If End If 'holding If wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColState&).value = "On hold" Then If wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColAOC&).value = "1" Then xExtHold# = xExtHold# + 1 'iterate external calls with state "holding" Else xIntHold# = xIntHold# + 1 End If End If 'transferring If wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColState&).value = "Transferred" Then If wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColAOC&).value = "1" Then xExtTransf# = xExtTransf# + 1 'iterate external calls with state "holding" Else xIntTransf# = xIntTransf# + 1 End If End If Next '#16 format total costs wks1.Cells(xRowTotal&, xColCosts&).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00" wks1.Cells(xRowTotal&, xColCosts&).Font.Bold = True wks1.Cells(xRowTotal&, xColCosts&).EntireColumn.AutoFit wks1.Cells(xRowTotal&, xColCosts&).value = CDec(xTotalCosts#) 'format total time wks1.Cells(xRowTotal&, xColSumDif&).NumberFormat = "[hh]:mm:ss" wks1.Cells(xRowTotal&, xColSumDif&).Font.Bold = True wks1.Cells(xRowTotal&, xColSumDif&).EntireColumn.AutoFit wks1.Cells(xRowTotal&, xColSumDif&).value = CDec(xTotalTime#) '#17 calculate nr of all calls, average duration, all external calls and 'average costs xAllCalls# = xRowLast& - 1 xIntCalls# = xAllCalls# - xExtCalls# 'avoid a zero-devision If xExtConnected# <> 0 Then xCostCalls# = xTotalCosts# / xExtConnected# Else xCostCalls# = 0 End If 'avoid a zero-devision If xAllCalls# <> 0 Then xDurCalls# = xTotalTime# / xAllCalls# Else xDurCalls# = 0 End If '#18 row position for statistics xRowStatistics& = xRowTotal& + 2 xRowAllCalls& = xRowTotal& + 3 xRowIntCalls& = xRowTotal& + 4 xRowExtCalls& = xRowTotal& + 5 xRowCosts& = xRowTotal& + 6 xRowCostCalls& = xRowTotal& + 7 xRowTime& = xRowTotal& + 8 xRowDurCalls& = xRowTotal& + 9 xRowStatus& = xRowTotal& + 3 xRowExtConnected& = xRowTotal& + 4 xRowExtAlerting& = xRowTotal& + 5 xRowExtInit& = xRowTotal& + 6 xRowExtHold& = xRowTotal& + 7 xRowExtTransf& = xRowTotal + 8 'format font wks1.Range(Cells(xRowStatistics&, xColStatistics&), Cells(xRowDurCalls&, xColStatistics&)).Font.Bold = True wks1.Range(Cells(xRowStatistics&, xColStatistics2&), Cells(xRowExtTransf&, xColStatistics2&)).Font.Bold = True 'header for statistics wks1.Cells(xRowStatistics&, xColStatistics&).value = "Statistics:" wks1.Cells(xRowAllCalls&, xColStatistics&).value = "All Calls:" wks1.Cells(xRowIntCalls&, xColStatistics&).value = "Internal Calls:" wks1.Cells(xRowExtCalls&, xColStatistics&).value = "External Calls:" wks1.Cells(xRowCosts&, xColStatistics&).value = "Total Costs:" 'wks1.Cells(xRowCostCalls&, xColStatistics&).value = Chr(216) & " Costs:" wks1.Cells(xRowCostCalls&, xColStatistics&).value = " Costs:" wks1.Cells(xRowTime&, xColStatistics&).value = "Total Time:" 'wks1.Cells(xRowDurCalls&, xColStatistics&).value = Chr(216) & " Duration:" wks1.Cells(xRowDurCalls&, xColStatistics&).value = " Duration:" wks1.Cells(xRowStatistics&, xColStatistics2&).value = "Statistics:" wks1.Cells(xRowStatus&, xColStatistics2&).value = "Status:" wks1.Cells(xRowExtConnected&, xColStatistics2&).value = "Connected:" wks1.Cells(xRowExtAlerting&, xColStatistics2&).value = "Alerting:" wks1.Cells(xRowExtInit&, xColStatistics2&).value = "Initialized:" wks1.Cells(xRowExtHold&, xColStatistics2&).value = "Holding:" wks1.Cells(xRowExtTransf&, xColStatistics2&).value = "Transferred:" wks1.Cells(xRowStatus&, xColResultsInt2&).value = "Internal" wks1.Cells(xRowStatus&, xColResultsExt2&).value = "External" 'show results wks1.Cells(xRowAllCalls&, xColResults&).value = xAllCalls# wks1.Cells(xRowIntCalls&, xColResults&).value = xIntCalls# wks1.Cells(xRowExtCalls&, xColResults&).value = xExtCalls# wks1.Cells(xRowCosts&, xColResults&).value = xTotalCosts# wks1.Cells(xRowCostCalls&, xColResults&).value = xCostCalls# wks1.Cells(xRowTime&, xColResults&).value = xTotalTime# wks1.Cells(xRowDurCalls&, xColResults&).value = xDurCalls# wks1.Cells(xRowExtConnected&, xColResultsExt2&).value = xExtConnected# wks1.Cells(xRowExtAlerting&, xColResultsExt2&).value = xExtAlerting# wks1.Cells(xRowExtInit&, xColResultsExt2&).value = xExtInit# wks1.Cells(xRowExtHold&, xColResultsExt2&).value = xExtHold# wks1.Cells(xRowExtTransf&, xColResultsExt2&).value = xExtTransf# wks1.Cells(xRowExtConnected&, xColResultsInt2&).value = xIntConnected# wks1.Cells(xRowExtAlerting&, xColResultsInt2&).value = xIntAlerting# wks1.Cells(xRowExtInit&, xColResultsInt2&).value = xIntInit# wks1.Cells(xRowExtHold&, xColResultsInt2&).value = xIntHold# wks1.Cells(xRowExtTransf&, xColResultsInt2&).value = xIntTransf# 'format results wks1.Cells(xRowCosts&, xColResults&).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00" wks1.Cells(xRowCostCalls&, xColResults&).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00" wks1.Cells(xRowTime&, xColResults&).NumberFormat = "[hh]:mm:ss" wks1.Cells(xRowDurCalls&, xColResults&).NumberFormat = "[hh]:mm:ss" 'format statistics Range(Cells(xRowStatistics&, xColStatistics&), Cells(xRowDurCalls&, xColResults&)).Select Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlMedium .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlMedium .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlMedium .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlMedium .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlNone Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = xlNone 'format statistics Range(Cells(xRowStatistics&, xColStatistics2&), Cells(xRowExtTransf&, xColResultsExt2&)).Select Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlMedium .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlMedium .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlMedium .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlMedium .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlNone Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = xlNone '****FORMAT HEADER OF WORKSHEET 2 ***** '************************************** '#19 'define headers wks2.Cells(xRowHeader&, xColOrigiNum&).value = "Caller, Name" wks2.Cells(xRowHeader&, xColOrigiName&).value = "Caller, Number" wks2.Cells(xRowHeader&, xColDestNum2&).value = "Destination, Name" wks2.Cells(xRowHeader&, xColDestName2&).value = "Destination, Number" wks2.Cells(xRowHeader&, xColStartDate2&).value = "Starting Date" wks2.Cells(xRowHeader&, xColStartTime2&).value = "Starting Time" wks2.Cells(xRowHeader&, xColTimePerCall&).value = "Duration" wks2.Cells(xRowHeader&, xColCostsPerName&).value = "Costs per Name" 'format headers wks2.Columns(1).NumberFormat = "@" wks2.Columns(2).NumberFormat = "@" wks2.Columns(3).NumberFormat = "@" wks2.Columns(4).NumberFormat = "@" wks2.Columns(5).NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy" wks2.Columns(6).NumberFormat = "[hh]:mm:ss" wks2.Columns(7).NumberFormat = "[hh]:mm:ss" wks2.Columns(8).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00" '***** GET DATA FROM WORKSHEET 1 ****** '**********TO WORKSHEET 3 ************* '************************************** '#20 'active rows value = 0 delta = 30 ' alle 30 minuten xRowActive& = 2 For value = 0 To 24 * 60 Step delta wks3.Cells(xRowActive&, 1).value = value wks3.Cells(xRowActive&, 2).value = TimeSerial(0, value, 0) wks3.Cells(xRowActive&, 3).value = 0 xRowActive& = xRowActive& + 1 Next Sheets("Profile").Select Columns("B:B").Select Selection.NumberFormat = "h:mm;@" For xRowActive& = xRowFirst& To xRowLast& startminuten = Hour(wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColStartTime&).value) * 60 + Minute(wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColStartTime&).value) stopminuten = Hour(wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColEndTime&).value) * 60 + Minute(wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColEndTime&).value) flag = 0 count = 2 For value = 0 To 24 * 60 - 1 Step delta If value <= stopminuten And flag = 1 Then wks3.Cells(count, 3).value = wks3.Cells(count, 3).value + 1 End If If value >= startminuten And flag = 0 Then wks3.Cells(count, 3).value = wks3.Cells(count, 3).value + 1 flag = 1 End If count = count + 1 Next Next For count = 1 To 7 Step 1 wks3.Cells(count + 1, 4).value = WeekdayName(count) Next wks3.Cells(1, 5).value = "external" wks3.Cells(1, 6).value = "internal" For xRowActive& = xRowFirst& To xRowLast& If wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColState&).value = "Connected" Then If wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColAOC&).value = "1" Then 'iterate external calls startminuten = Weekday(wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColStartDate&).value, 2) wks3.Cells(startminuten + 1, 5).value = wks3.Cells(startminuten + 1, 5).value + 1 Else 'iterate internal calls startminuten = Weekday(wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColStartDate&).value, 2) wks3.Cells(startminuten + 1, 6).value = wks3.Cells(startminuten + 1, 6).value + 1 End If End If Next ' ' Makro2 Makro ' Makro am 30.12.2002 von Uwe Sauerbrey aufgezeichnet ' ' Charts.Add ActiveChart.ChartType = xlColumnClustered ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("Profile").Range("B2:C49"), PlotBy:=xlColumns ActiveChart.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:="Profile" With ActiveChart .HasTitle = True .ChartTitle.Characters.text = "Calls during 24h" .Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).HasTitle = False .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).HasTitle = True .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Characters.text = "calls" End With With ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory) .HasMajorGridlines = False .HasMinorGridlines = False End With With ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue) .HasMajorGridlines = True .HasMinorGridlines = False End With ActiveChart.HasLegend = False ActiveChart.HasDataTable = False ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory).Select With ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory) .CrossesAt = 1 .TickLabelSpacing = 2 .TickMarkSpacing = 1 .AxisBetweenCategories = True .ReversePlotOrder = False End With With Selection.TickLabels .Alignment = xlCenter .Offset = 100 .ReadingOrder = xlContext .Orientation = xlUpward End With Charts.Add ActiveChart.ChartType = xlColumnClustered ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("Profile").Range("D1:F8"), PlotBy:=xlColumns ActiveChart.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:="Profile" With ActiveChart .HasTitle = True .ChartTitle.Characters.text = "Calls during the week" .Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).HasTitle = False .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).HasTitle = True .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Characters.text = "calls" End With With ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory) .HasMajorGridlines = False .HasMinorGridlines = False End With With ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue) .HasMajorGridlines = True .HasMinorGridlines = False End With ActiveChart.HasLegend = False ActiveChart.HasDataTable = False ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory).Select With ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory) .CrossesAt = 1 .TickLabelSpacing = 2 .TickMarkSpacing = 1 .AxisBetweenCategories = True .ReversePlotOrder = False End With With Selection.TickLabels .Alignment = xlCenter .Offset = 100 .ReadingOrder = xlContext .Orientation = xlUpward End With With ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory) .CrossesAt = 1 .TickLabelSpacing = 1 .TickMarkSpacing = 1 .AxisBetweenCategories = True .ReversePlotOrder = False End With ActiveChart.ChartArea.Select ActiveChart.HasLegend = True ActiveChart.Legend.Select Selection.Position = xlRight ActiveChart.ChartArea.Select ActiveSheet.Shapes("Diagramm 2").IncrementLeft -174.75 ActiveSheet.Shapes("Diagramm 2").IncrementTop -96.75 '***** GET DATA FROM WORKSHEET 1 ****** '**********TO WORKSHEET 2 ************* '************************************** '#20 'active rows For xRowActive& = xRowFirst& To xRowLast& 'data from wks1 to wks2 wks2.Cells(xRowActive&, xColOrigiNum&).value = wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColOrigiName&).value wks2.Cells(xRowActive&, xColOrigiName&).value = wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColOrigiNum&).value wks2.Cells(xRowActive&, xColDestNum2&).value = wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColDestName&).value wks2.Cells(xRowActive&, xColDestName2&).value = wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColDestNum&).value wks2.Cells(xRowActive&, xColStartDate2&).value = wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColStartDate&).value wks2.Cells(xRowActive&, xColStartTime2&).value = wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColStartTime&).value 'take next caller name? If Not xColOrigiNameValue = wks2.Cells(xRowActive&, xColOrigiNum&).value Then 'still same caller name xColOrigiNameValue = wks2.Cells(xRowActive&, xColOrigiNum&).value End If 'costs wks2.Cells(xRowActive&, xColCostsPerName&).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00" wks2.Cells(xRowActive&, xColCostsPerName&).value = wks1.Cells(xRowActive&, xColCosts&).value Next '***** FORMAT DATA OF WORKSHEET 2 ***** '************************************** '#21 wks2.Activate wks2.Cells(1, 1).Select ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Select 'format headers bold and align middle Selection.AutoFormat Format:=xlRangeAutoFormatSimple, Number:=True, Font _ :=True, Alignment:=True, Border:=False, Pattern:=True, Width:=True Selection.Sort key1:=Cells(xRowFirst&, xColOrigiNum&), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes, _ OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom 'allow word-wrap With Selection .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom .WrapText = True .Orientation = 0 .AddIndent = False .ShrinkToFit = False .MergeCells = False End With '#22 calculate sum for each caller Selection.Subtotal GroupBy:=1, Function:=xlSum, TotalList:=Array(7, 8), _ Replace:=True, PageBreaks:=False, SummaryBelowData:=True 'freeze the headers, so you always see them while scrolling Rows("2:2").Select ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True '#23 print format for worksheet 1 With ActiveSheet.PageSetup .PrintTitleRows = "$1:$1" .PrintTitleColumns = "" End With Application.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Activate ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "" With ActiveSheet.PageSetup .LeftHeader = "" '.CenterHeader = "&""Tahoma,Fett""&12Call Detail Records" & Chr(10) & "&F " & Chr(10) & "" & Chr(10) & "" & Chr(10) & "" .CenterHeader = "&""Tahoma,Fett""&12Call Detail Records" & "&F " & "" & "" & "" .RightHeader = "" .LeftFooter = "&D &T" .CenterFooter = "Seite &P von &N" .RightFooter = "" .LeftMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.78740157480315) .RightMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.78740157480315) .TopMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.984251968503937) .BottomMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.984251968503937) .HeaderMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.511811023622047) .FooterMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.511811023622047) .PrintHeadings = False .PrintGridlines = True .PrintComments = xlPrintNoComments .PrintQuality = 600 .CenterHorizontally = False .CenterVertically = False .Orientation = xlLandscape .Draft = False .PaperSize = xlPaperLetter .FirstPageNumber = xlAutomatic .Order = xlDownThenOver .BlackAndWhite = False .Zoom = False .FitToPagesWide = 1 .FitToPagesTall = 100 End With 'print format for worksheet 2 With ActiveSheet.PageSetup .PrintTitleRows = "$1:$1" .PrintTitleColumns = "" End With Application.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(2).Activate ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "" With ActiveSheet.PageSetup .LeftHeader = "" '.CenterHeader = "&""Tahoma,Fett""&12Call Detail Records" & Chr(10) & "&F " & Chr(10) & "" & Chr(10) & "" & Chr(10) & "" .CenterHeader = "&""Tahoma,Fett""&12Call Detail Records" & "&F " & "" & "" & "" .RightHeader = "" .LeftFooter = "&D &T" .CenterFooter = "Seite &P von &N" .RightFooter = "" .LeftMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.78740157480315) .RightMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.78740157480315) .TopMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.984251968503937) .BottomMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.984251968503937) .HeaderMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.511811023622047) .FooterMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.511811023622047) .PrintHeadings = False .PrintGridlines = True .PrintComments = xlPrintNoComments .PrintQuality = 600 .CenterHorizontally = False .CenterVertically = False .Orientation = xlLandscape .Draft = False .PaperSize = xlPaperLetter .FirstPageNumber = xlAutomatic .Order = xlDownThenOver .BlackAndWhite = False .Zoom = False .FitToPagesWide = 1 .FitToPagesTall = 100 End With 'hide dialog when CDR Files are loaded LoadDialog.Label5.Visible = False LoadDialog.Repaint LoadDialog.Hide LoadDialog.MousePointer = fmMousePointerDefault '*******ERROR CODE********************* '************************************** '#24 Dim text, button, Titel, antwort, Mldg ' If Err.Number <> 0 Then ' Mldg = "Fehler # " & Str(Err.Number) & " wurde ausgelöst von " _ ' & Err.Source & Chr(13) & Err.Description ' Mldg = "Fehler # " & Err.Number & " wurde ausgelöst von " _ ' & Err.Source & Err.Description ' MsgBox Mldg, , "Fehler", Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext ' End If Application.DisplayAlerts = True Application.ScreenUpdating = True wks1.Activate End Sub '***********SAVE DATA****************** '************************************** '#25 Sub SaveData() Dim xPath$ Selection: CurrentDate = Application.text(Now(), "mm-dd-yy hh-mm") Backup = "Backup" & CurrentDate xPath$ = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(InitialFilename:=Backup, fileFilter:="Backup (*.xls), *.xls") ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=xPath$, FileFormat:=xlNormal, _ Password:="", WriteResPassword:="", ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, _ CreateBackup:=False MsgBox "Saving Call Detail Records: " & xPath$ ActiveWorkbook.Close End Sub
From: mr_unreliable on 24 Jan 2006 15:45
hi Crumb, It looks to me like your "vbs" code is more like "vba" code, i.e., excel macro code. If it is, then you might get a better answer in the excel or vba code groups, found here: news:// news://microsoft.public.excel.programming news:// cheers, jw Crumb wrote: > Hi, > > I have a problem with a German VB file which I am sure is related to > the time and date format used in the UK > > If i sent my PC to location Germany then the code works. > |