From: Geoff Schaller on
Something is wrong.

You cannot get an event without an owner window.

"Gary" <gary.miller(a)> wrote in message

> Geoff
> Here is what I did to "see" what the GetObjectByHandle() Returns.
> Below you'll see that indeed it returns a null_object sometimes.
> METHOD BeforeDispatch(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam) CLASS App
> LOCAL oObject as OBJECT
> LOCAL cOutput as STRING
> local hFile as ptr
> local cFile as string
> oObject := GetObjectByHandle(hWnd)
> cOutput := "Window: " + Left(Symbol2String(ClassName(oObject))
> +Space(30), 30)
> cOutput += " wParam: "+StrZero(wParam,10)+"
> lParam: "+StrZero(lParam,10) + CHR( 10 ) + CHR( 13 )
> if !File( cFile := "c:\output_text.txt" )
> hFile := FCreate( cFile )
> else
> hFile := FOpen( "c:\output_text.txt" )
> endif
> FWrite( hFile, cOutput, SLen( cOutput ) )
> FClose( hFile )
> return true
> contents of c:\output_text.txt (I'm not sure why the GetAppObject()
> sometimes returns a null_object.
> Window: STANDARDSHELLWINDOW wParam: 0000000008 lParam:
> 0011797534
> Window: STANDARDSHELLWINDOW wParam: 0000000008 lParam:
> 0011797534
> Window: STANDARDSHELLWINDOW wParam: 0000000000 lParam:
> 0000000000
> Window: wParam: 0000023031 lParam:
> 0007764700
> Window: wParam: 0000000001 lParam:
> 0000000000
> Window: wParam: 0000023031 lParam:
> 0007764700
> Window: STANDARDSHELLWINDOW wParam: 0000061728 lParam:
> 0000000000
> Window: STANDARDSHELLWINDOW wParam: 0000000000 lParam:
> 0000000000
> Window: wParam: 0000000000 lParam:
> 0000000000
> Window: STATUSBAR wParam: 0000000000 lParam:
> 0000000000
> Window: TOOLBAR wParam: 0000000000 lParam:
> 0000000000
> Window: wParam: 0000000001 lParam:
> 0000000000
> Window: wParam: 0000023031 lParam:
> 0007764700
> Window: wParam: 0000000001 lParam:
> 0000000000
> By the way, wParam 14 is keyboard combination "ctrl - shift" (we use
> it as a hotkey combination).

From: Gary on
I am on the main window when I do a ctrl-shift right mouse click. I
created a new standard application in VO and simply added the
BeforeDispatch method.

From: Gary on
Perhaps I'm missing the obvious. Create a new application in VO and
simply add the BeforeDispatch method. That's all I did to see this


From: Geoff Schaller on
Can you email me the test app you created? I'd like to play with this.

In theory, what you say is impossible.

"Gary" <gary.miller(a)> wrote in message

> Geoff
> Perhaps I'm missing the obvious. Create a new application in VO and
> simply add the BeforeDispatch method. That's all I did to see this
> 'problem'.
> Gary

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