From: Fernando Mercês on 2 Nov 2009 01:20 Hi. I'm trying to get file version from EXE or DLL files, writing a ruby script (to run it in Linux). My code is: fd =[0], "rb") size = File.size(fd) # signature VS_VERSION_INFO sig = [ ?V, ?S, ?_, ?V, ?E, ?R, ?S, ?I, ?O, ?N, ?_, ?I, ?N, ?F, ?O, ] fd.pos=0 offset = data.find(sig) puts offset # => #<Enumerable::Enumerator:0x7fe4fa164e28> I can't understand it. I've tried to do it in the same way of this Python script (using pack and unpack), but without success too: def getVersion(file): sig = struct.pack("32s", u"VS_VERSION_INFO".encode("utf-16-le")) try: data = open(file).read() except IOError: return "Unknown" offset = data.find(sig) if offset == -1: return "Unknown" data = data[offset + 32 : offset + 32 + (13*4)] version_struct = struct.unpack("13I", data) ver_ms, ver_ls = version_struct[4], version_struct[5] return "%d.%d.%d.%d" % (ver_ls & 0x0000ffff, (ver_ms & 0xffff0000) >> 16, ver_ms & 0x0000ffff, (ver_ls & 0xffff0000) >> 16) Any ideas to do it? -- Posted via
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