From: Matt Fig on
Wherever the string is returned from uigetfile, save it using guidata or something similar. Then in your start button callback, access the string.

% in menuitem callback
STR = uigetfile(...)
HC = guidata(gcbf);

% Now in your start button callback
HC = guidata(gcbf)
STR = HC.STR; % This is the string returned by gui
From: Steven Lord on

"Adam " <abc5(a)> wrote in message
> "Steven Lord" <slord(a)> wrote in message
> <htov5a$aq0$1(a)>...


> What I meant by is open, is simply that it does not end. I'm having
> numerous errors when ending the callbacks. What happens is, if I end each
> callback, function varargout also requires a callback. If I end varargout,
> it runs, but gives a list of errors as shown below (there's more- this is
> a sample). Essentially, I am ending the Guide Generated Code in this case.

I think we may be experiencing the problem where "end" is being overloaded
and it's ambiguous which overload is being used [and I'm not talking about
the MATLAB keyword but the English word here.]

Can you show one of your shorter callback functions that "does not end", and
explain in a bit more depth what you're actually doing when you "ending the
callbacks" or "end varargout"?

Anyway, for sharing data among callbacks, I recommend you look at one of the
techniques (like using the UserData property or the handles structure)
described on that documentation page to which I linked in my previous

Steve Lord
comp.soft-sys.matlab (CSSM) FAQ:
To contact Technical Support use the Contact Us link on

From: Adam on
Thanks, I appreciate the help. Unfortunately, this also didn't work since my functions are within the GUI. I think I'm doing a bad job of explaining my question. Here is some code from my GUI that may help illustrate my question.

I created the GUI in Guide with some menus (so far: just file and help). Since this is an optimization tool, one option will be to import objectives equations from a separate file. To do this, I've created a menu option called import_objectives. The callback is below:

function import_objectives_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
objectivesfName=uigetfile('*.txt','Select the Text-file Containing the Objectives Functions');

This returns the file name to a string which I would like to later use in another callback (the start button). And then use this name to read a file.

function startButton_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles, objectivesfName)
objFuncs = textread(objectivesfName,'%s');

The problem is when this runs objectivesfName doesn't exist in startButton_Callback, even its made global since. So, I was wondering if I could create some kind of variable/handle/object either within import_objectives_callback or outside of it that allow me to access it in startButton_Callback.

Thanks a lot for the responses so far. I've tried them but can't figure it out :(. What is the best way to do this?
From: Steven Lord on

"Walter Roberson" <roberson(a)> wrote in message
> Steven Lord wrote:
>> Any function in a file that contains a nested function must end with an
>> END, and each such function will end at its corresponding END; functions
>> in a file that does not contain a nested function should not end with
>> END, but will end at the start of the next function or at the end of the
>> file.
> Steve, is there reason to avoid using END when there is no nested
> function?

Off the top of my head, I can't think of one. [Because I wrote this, I give
it half an hour before someone stops by my office and reminds me of such a
reason :]

If you're writing a new file and you start out ENDing all the functions I
don't think it would hurt anything. But remember, if you have a file that
contains hundreds or thousands of functions that do not end with END, and
you introduce _one_ new function that does, you have to go back to _all_ of
the functions in the file and insert the END.

Steve Lord
comp.soft-sys.matlab (CSSM) FAQ:
To contact Technical Support use the Contact Us link on

From: Adam on
"Steven Lord" <slord(a)> wrote in message <htp9ic$95b$1(a)>...
> "Walter Roberson" <roberson(a)> wrote in message
> news:ZgTLn.22588$Gx2.19637(a)newsfe20.iad...
> > Steven Lord wrote:
> >> Any function in a file that contains a nested function must end with an
> >> END, and each such function will end at its corresponding END; functions
> >> in a file that does not contain a nested function should not end with
> >> END, but will end at the start of the next function or at the end of the
> >> file.
> >
> > Steve, is there reason to avoid using END when there is no nested
> > function?
> Off the top of my head, I can't think of one. [Because I wrote this, I give
> it half an hour before someone stops by my office and reminds me of such a
> reason :]
> If you're writing a new file and you start out ENDing all the functions I
> don't think it would hurt anything. But remember, if you have a file that
> contains hundreds or thousands of functions that do not end with END, and
> you introduce _one_ new function that does, you have to go back to _all_ of
> the functions in the file and insert the END.
> --
> Steve Lord
> slord(a)
> comp.soft-sys.matlab (CSSM) FAQ:
> To contact Technical Support use the Contact Us link on
Good point, I may be missing an 'end' somewhere I'll check to make sure.