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From: Archimedes Plutonium on 12 Aug 2010 13:30 For the life of me, I do not know how I got caught into the middle of the arena of fighting of Goldbach Conjecture once again. I guess with a little bit of slipping and sliding, I find myself in this fight once again. I do recall trying Math-Induction on Goldbach circa 1991 and became very disheartened, because of the increasing mess, but I did not have the Repair Kit idea in 1991. This is the reason I so much love the Algebra style of proof where every Even N >4 has a minimum of two multiplicative prime factors, and converted to addition, every Even N>4 is the sum of two prime summands. So the proof of Goldbach, algebra wise is simply to state that multiplication versus addition preserves the two prime minimum requirement. But let me look for the easiest Mathematical Induction proof of Goldbach, for that Fermat's Infinite Descent maybe too messy. Let me write down some accounting: For the case of 14 as where Goldbach fails we have (K-2,2) repair kit which is (12,2) We thus have ((7,5),2) which yields: (7,7) in case of +2 (9,5) in case of +2 (11,3) in case of +4-2 (5,9) in case of +4-2 (13,1) in case of +6-4 (3,11) in case of +6-4 (1,13) in case of +8-6 So the Fermat's Infinite Descent would come zooming back to 8 and 6 as not obeying Goldbach. But let me see if a zooming outwards of (K-2,2) is a more practical and less mess of a Mathematical Induction and using 14 for the case study since 12 has only (7,5) as Goldbach primes. So what about if Goldbach breaks down at 14, then a Mathematical Induction that 16, then 18, then 20 ad infinitum cannot be broken down or else we have no prime pairs separated by a metric length of 2,4,6,8, ad infinitum So the accounting of 16 looks like this: We thus have ((7,7),2) and ((11,3),2) which yields: (7,9) in case of +2 (11,5) in case of +2 (13,3) in case of +2 (11,5) in case of +4-2 (15,1) in case of +4-2 (9,7) in case of +4-2 (13,3) in case of +6-4 (7,9) in case of +6-4 (15,1) in case of +8-6 (5,11) in case of +8-6 And we see that (11,5) and (13,3) satisfy Goldbach for +2 beyond where Goldbach failed at 14. So the idea here, rather than Fermat's Infinite Descent, is that a Mathematical Induction that zooms outward from the damaged case of Goldbach is an easier Mathematical Induction. Because if this zooming out is false implies there are no more prime pairs of Goldbach summands separated by a metric length of 2, 4, 6, ad infinitum. Archimedes Plutonium whole entire Universe is just one big atom where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies |