From: spudnik on 29 Jul 2010 17:47 let us start with "myth 3" about urban heat islanding. the "corrections" for the data & models are sotto voce in the papers in the journals, whether or not they are actually or always used; so, what would the researchers actually say, were they to address it? secondly, the prevailing paradigm still seems to be that UHI is a strictly passive albedo thing, and evapotranspiration changes, and no thought is given to the burning of fossilfueleumTM or fission -- or the siting of a huge ration of stations at airports! to me, this is by far the most important lacunum of the AGWers, GWers, and the Dubya-ers of BP's cap&trade fanaticism, particularly the GCMers. > I've heard Chinese energy use now surpasses ours." thus: Ayn got the name from her Remington-Rand typewriter, y'know. the sophomores on campus who thrill to it ... nevermind. "What Galileo Avoided" re Kepler, thus: the "dimensionality," or at least the base of digitization, has always been implicit to le theorem <<derniere>> de Fermatttt, as well as to les courbes de ... duh. thus: where did that PDF go, of M&M's paper, where they show the soi-dissant "null resultage?..." anyway, I thank the dood that posted it. thus: I've been saying thus-like for years, after reading of it apres XXXValdez: Typically, there are enough microbes in the ocean to consume half of any oil spilled in a month or two, says Howarth. Such microbes have been found in every ocean of the world sampled, from the Arctic to Antarctica. But there are reasons to think that the process may occur more quickly in the Gulf than in other oceans. --les ducs d'oil! --Light, A History!
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