From: Kadi on
"Ulrich W." <ulrichw(a)sbox.*nospam*> wrote in message <44fead97$0$12384$3b214f66(a)>...
> So what is the problem? This topic is completely covered by matlab help
> (GLCM, graycomatrix ...)
> access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/images/f11-29651.html
> %select rectangle ROI:
> image_roi = image(col_from:col_to, row_from:row_to);
> %calc GLCM
> glcm = graycomatrix(image_roi);
> Ulrich

I am using 'roipoly' instead of 'imcrop' to extract the area of interest (AOI) as it defines the edges more accurately so can 'graycomatrix' be applied to only the pixels inside the AOI. 'graycomatrix' always takes an image which by default is a matrix as input.

Can texture analysis be done on irregular regions??
