From: netalee efrat on
i have a few question related to Gui:

1. when i want to pass information from one Gui to a nother (for the example, to a gui called signal_epoches) , i use the set of commands:
this command imediatly open the new gui, even though i didn't wanted to open it, only to take information from it. do you know a nother way to pass information from one Gui to another?

2. can i call a function in Gui without the user pressing on it?

3. i have a perl code that i run before i start the algorithm. i want the user to know when the perl program has finished. is there a way to do that, like waitbar but not for a loop?

4. i want to use a batch job inorder to read the next file i need while the user is proccessing the current data. i tryed to use the function batch, but i'm not sure what commands the batch file should have, and how do i give the batch file variables. moreover, the batch file returnes j, which i thought that by load (j) i'll get my file, but i get different data. i don't understand why.
my batch file:
data=load([next_epoch_dir next_epoch_name]);

the code that calles the batch:
next_epoch_dir=[File{2} File_Name '\'];

thank you!
