From: "Kevin Grittner" on
New numbers on where we are with this CommitFest:

71 patches were submitted
3 patches were withdrawn (deleted) by their authors
68 total patches currently in the application
3 committed to 9.0
65 9.1 patches
1 rejected
5 returned with feedback
11 committed for 9.1
17 9.1 patches disposed
48 pending
8 ready for committer
40 will still need reviewer attention
9 waiting on author to respond to review
31 need review before further action
13 "Needs Review" patches don't have a reviewer assigned
18 patches have reviews due within four days or less

I had particular concerns about the synchronous replication patches,
because I've seen competing patches like that lead to significant
wheel-spinning and duplication of effort. To try to minimize that,
I asked Yeb to do a preliminary review of both. He has not
completed reporting on that, but expects to finish within a day or
two. My hope is that all parties who want to move this forward will
join efforts and bring their ideas to bear on a single patch.

I see that nobody has signed up for the GSoC patch regarding
materialized views. Do we have an official "mentor" for this
effort? Would it be a good or bad idea for that person to do the

Although we've had some discussion around Markus Wanner's WIP
refactoring patches and the prerequisite miscellaneous patches,
there's nobody down as a Reviewer for any of them. I understand
that the six WIP patches are there for feedback, not with
expectation of a commit in this CF, but I'm less clear about the two
prerequisite patches.

The "WIP patch for serializable transactions with predicate locking"
is big, but there's no expectation of a commit this CF, and Joe
assures me he's working on it every day; so nobody should be
concerned about the lack of a review post on that so far.

I am hopeful that in the next week we can clear a lot of the pending
patches which have already had some review, and get someone on every
unclaimed patch.


"Kevin Grittner" <Kevin.Grittner(a)> wrote:

> 68 patches were submitted
> 3 patches were withdrawn (deleted) by their authors
> --
> 65 total patches currently in the application
> --
> 3 committed to 9.0
> --
> 62 9.1 patches
> --
> 1 rejected
> 3 returned with feedback
> 1 committed for 9.1
> --
> 57 pending
> 10 ready for committer
> --
> 47 will still need reviewer attention
> 6 waiting on author to respond to review
> --
> 41 need review before further action
> 23 patches "Needs Review" patches don't have a reviewer assigned
> --
> 18 patches have reviews due within four days

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