From: Inverse 19 mathematics on
This is haunting to your Mathematics, Understand this, and you will
understand the curves of the Mathematics. The base of the equation is
(1+)^2 +(1+)^2=(1+)^2 and why have your fellows struggled with FLT
and its simple understanding(Not elliyptical convolution) and the
exclusive relations ship between 1 and ^2, that is patent easy

(X+0)^n +(X+1)^n=5 ( x^n +3 )---- This is exclusive to 1 and 2

and is easy to prove, if you would listen to our previous post

(1+2)^2 +(1+3)^=(1+4)^2---(-9+16=25 )

(1+5)^2 +(1+7)^2=(1+9)^2--(36+64=100)

(1+8)^2 +(1+11)^2=(1+14)^2--(81+144=225)

( 1+11)^2+(1+15)^2=(1+19)^2--(144+256=400)


And so on till infinty, the final curve will reverse tangent !!!

THE SIMPLE CODE ABOVE IS (1) +3 , (1)+4 =, (1)+5 vertically

(1)+2 (1)+3 = (1)+4 Horizontally, 2-3-4--3-4-5, simple!!!!

COME ON, Great Princes of current mathematics , Lets have it out,
Your "Atkins Prime Sieve" and "Hope Prime sieve with Placement and
Rythm". Otherwise, do not try and make fun of Hope Reseach ever again
or be shamed. Do you understand the power of 1,and 2,3, and the first

" This is the new numbers systen and a new Geometric Plane that you
have discovered" ( Said in writing about -1 tangent mathematics , by
your Professor Eddie Escultura PHD , Madison , Wisconsin, a great
Mathematician , who took on your Prince Prof Andrew Wiles )

HOPE RESEARCH ( Prof Theo Denotter, Dr Vinoo Cameron)