From: Mark on
Hi everyone,
Is there a way to evaluate vector functions in Matlab? Eg where x = [x1;x2;x3], F(x) = [sin(x1) + 3*x2; x1^2 + x2^2 - x3; cos(x3)]
Can I calculate F(x0) for some initial guess vector and use this in an iterative formula?
Apparently it's not possible to make inline vector functions, is there another method?

Many thanks
From: Walter Roberson on
Mark wrote:

> Is there a way to evaluate vector functions in Matlab? Eg where x =
> [x1;x2;x3], F(x) = [sin(x1) + 3*x2; x1^2 + x2^2 - x3; cos(x3)]
> Can I calculate F(x0) for some initial guess vector and use this in an
> iterative formula?
> Apparently it's not possible to make inline vector functions, is there
> another method?

I don't see any difficulty...

F = @(x) [sin(x(1))+3*x(2); x(1).^2+x(2).^2 - x(3); cos(x(3))];

>> F([.2,.5,.9])
ans =

>> G = inline('[sin(x(1))+3*x(2); x(1).^2+x(2).^2 - x(3); cos(x(3))]')
G =
Inline function:
G(x) = [sin(x(1))+3*x(2); x(1).^2+x(2).^2 - x(3); cos(x(3))]
>> G([.2,.5,.9])
ans =
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