From: Hatter on 8 Jan 2007 03:50 I am using Windows XP Pro SP2 + IIS6 + .NET2.0 + Visual Studio 2005 developing .NET web based programing. And I add set in web.config like this: <authentication mode="Forms"> <forms name="LoginAuth" path="/" loginUrl="Login.aspx" protection="All" timeout="20"/> </authentication> Then I use IE7 , Tab1: login -> logged in page Tab2: login -> logged in page (login use : FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie("str", false)) the Tab1 logout, I set FormsAuthentication.SignOut(); the click any link in logged in page in tab2, the page below will be show: Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage Most likely causes: You are not connected to the Internet. The website is encountering problems. There might be a typing error in the address. Can any one tell me why??? And I do another test: Tab1: login -> logged in page the I delete the cookie use IE development tool bar. the I click any link on the logged in page it show the same error page. And I use HttpWatch caught the HTTP response: ERROR_INTERNET_CONNECTION_ABORTED CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHY??
From: Hatter Jiang on 8 Jan 2007 19:55 CAN ANYONE HELP ME??
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