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From: nasim on 6 Jun 2010 12:44 i know for a HMM need to solve three problem i have this parameter: o=3; q=3; init SMatrix(1*3) , trans Matrix(3*3), emis Matrix(3*3) ----------------------- in the HMM toolBox of this site i have this code: 1)learning T=10; nex=20; data = dhmm_sample(init, trans, emis, nex, T); [LL, prior, transmat, obsmat] = dhmm_em(data, init, trans, emis, 'max_iter', 5); 2)evaluate loglik = dhmm_logprob(data, prior, transmat, obsmat) 3)mputing the most probable sequence (Viterbi) B = multinomial_prob(data, obsmat); [path] = viterbi_path(prior, transmat, B) ---------------------- 1- learning: seq1 = hmmgenerate(100,trans,emis); [estTR,estE] = hmmtrain(seqs,trans,emis); 2-evaluate [estimateTR,estimateE] = hmmestimate(seq,states); 3-decode estimatedStates = hmmviterbi(seq,trans,emis); is it correct? how to set the init matrix like in first code? is it possible guide me about the hmmdecode function, i don't understand the usage of it; |