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From: Inverse 19 mathematics on 5 Aug 2010 16:34 HOPE RESEARCH PATENT METHOD Sqrt (3) =1.(732)(05080757) -(4) = -2.(267)(94919243) (0.732) + (0.267) =0.999* (0.05080757) +(0.94919243)=1* Sqrt (2367) = 48.(651)(82322068) = 2319.(348)(17577932) (0.651) +(0.348)=0.999.* (0.82422068)+(0.17577932) = 1 "THIS ABOVE IS INFINATUM , TRUE FOR ALL NUMBERS, TILL INFINITY . ALL NUMBERS AT ROOT ARE SEPERATED "AT THE NADIR OF INFINITY " BY 0.001 BY UNEQUAL 1 AND -1(0.999) , ONE IS CONVERGENT - , THE OTHER DIVERGENT + , EQUAL IN POLARITY." As for Edgar Escultura PHD , Madison Wisconsin , He probable did not get his due , but we as his friends, have stated this. Edgar did teach us about precision , but Hope research has done all the research . Edgar Escultura was probabley the best Mathematiocal brain in the world for past 30 ears, though may be put down . In Mathematics it seems if you follow the crowd and a few Pied pipers like Fermat etc you get more recognized , though tyou do not make much progress Mathematically . Hope research will produce a complex larger than Newtons in the nexyt year or so Hope Research |