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From: jmosow on 24 Feb 2005 16:26 I am putting together an HTA application. In it, I have a Do/Loop that will run until either a button is selected or the IE window is closed. The button works fine. But, if I close the IE window, mshta.exe remains running. I tried using onbeforeunload and setting the same flags and doing the same process that I use for the button, but no luck. TIA
From: "Michael Harris (MVP)" <mikhar at mvps dot on 24 Feb 2005 20:15 > I am putting together an HTA application. In it, I have a Do/Loop > that will run until either a button is selected or the IE window is > closed. The button works fine. But, if I close the IE window, > mshta.exe remains running. I tried using onbeforeunload and setting > the same flags and doing the same process that I use for the button, > but no luck. I assume this is realted to your previous post... I have seen the same behavior in HTAs that use WshShell.Run with the wait option. Calling Run seems to break the modal nature of event handlers, making the mshta UI responsive and even closable while the Run method is still waiting. If mshta.exe is closed using the window's close button (RHS of the title bar) or via the system menu (LHS of the title bar) or via ALT+F4 or ... , then the UI closes but the mshta.exe process gets orphaned and never terminates. This is, at worst, a bug a mshta.exe or, at best, a known but undocumented behavior. You can try using an onbeforeunload event handler to warn that something is still in progress. For example, assign a global boolean variable to true (e.g., gBusy = true) before calling the Run method. At the end of the eventhandler that calls Run, assign the global variable to false (e.g., gBusy = false). In your onbeforeunload, check gBusy and if it is true, use window.event.returnValue = "Still busy...Please don't leave!!!!" See the onbeforeunload documentation for how the returnValue is incorporated into a warning dialog. -- Michael Harris Microsoft MVP Scripting
From: jmosow on 24 Feb 2005 20:34 Thanks for the info. This is actually a different problem than from my previous post. I have tried your suggestion. I don't think the Run is the problem. I have an END button on the page and when I close the document/window, all is good and mshta stops running. The problem is only if I close the window using the X in the upper-right corner. Then mshta stays running. I did try the onbeforunload, go throught the same process and the END button, but mshta keeps on going.
From: "Michael Harris (MVP)" <mikhar at mvps dot on 24 Feb 2005 21:11 jmosow(a) wrote: > Thanks for the info. This is actually a different problem than from > my previous post. I have tried your suggestion. I don't think the > Run is the problem. I have an END button on the page and when I > close the document/window, all is good and mshta stops running. The > problem is only if I close the window using the X in the upper-right > corner. Then mshta stays running. I did try the onbeforunload, go > throught the same process and the END button, but mshta keeps on > going. Without you providing actual code for a simplified repro case, it's impossible to say what the problem is in your specific case. You can always follow the recommeded method for Updating the Display During Lengthy Operations That eliminates the need for your sleep solution (which I still think is the root cause)... -- Michael Harris Microsoft MVP Scripting
From: jmosow on 25 Feb 2005 08:39
Here is the HTA I am working on. I think the article you linked to about updating the display is taken care of using the Sleep function I wrote. The problem I am having is if I close the window using the X in the upper-right corner. The mshta.exe continues to run. If I use the End button, the mshta will quit. <html> <!--'************************************************ '*************************************************** --> <head> <hta:application id="VSSCompHTA" APPLICATIONNAME="SourceSafe Compile" BORDER="thin" BORDERSTYLE="normal" CAPTION="yes" CONTEXTMENU="yes" ICON="" INNERBORDER="yes" MAXIMIZEBUTTON="yes" MINIMIZEBUTTON="yes" NAVIGABLE="yes" SELECTION="yes" SHOWINTASKBAR="yes" SINGLEINSTANCE="yes" SYSMENU="yes" SCROLL="yes" VERSION="1.00" WINDOWSTATE="normal"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0"> <meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document"> <title> VSSComp - SourceSafe Compiles</title> </head> <script language="vbscript"> ' To Encode: screnc /e html rapidhta.hta Rapid.hta Option Explicit On Error Resume Next Dim fso Dim WshShell Dim WshNetwork Dim fil 'As Scripting.File Dim fils 'As Scripting.Files Dim fol 'As Scripting.Folder Dim fols 'As Scripting.Folders Dim LogMessage Dim LogFileName Dim LogFile Dim cvDate Dim Log Dim vbQuote Dim WindowsDir Dim StartTime Dim StopFlag Dim HostIP Dim Version Dim AppName Dim ProgName Dim SourceType Dim WFLPipe Dim WFLError Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8 vbQuote = Chr(34) Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set WshNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network") WindowsDir = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%windir%") & "\" Set cvDate = new cvDateFormat Set Log = New WriteLog StopFlag = False HostIP = "" Version = "2" AppName = "3" ProgName = "4" SourceType = "5" Sub End_onclick() document.close Window.Close StopFlag = True End Sub Sub onbeforeunload document.close Window.Close StopFlag = True End Sub Sub OnLoad StartTime = Now() UpperDiv.InnerHTML = "<b>Processing started at: " & cvDate.FixDate(StartTime, "mm/dd/yyyy") & _ " " & cvDate.FixTime (StartTime, "Long") & "</b>" document.VSSComp.END.disabled = False document.VSSComp.START.disabled = False End Sub Sub Start_Onclick() On Error Resume Next Do document.VSSComp.END.disabled = False document.VSSComp.START.disabled = True Stop If StopFlag = True Then alert("StopFlag1") 'document.parentNode.removeChild Exit Sub End If WriteMessage "Waiting...." Sleep (8) Log.ProcessLogFiles Log.WriteLog "StopFlag: " & StopFlag, True If StopFlag = True Then alert("StopFlag2") Exit Sub End If ProcessFiles Loop End Sub Sub ProcessFiles On Error Resume Next WriteMessage "Processing the WFL" CreateWFLPipe HostIP, "SystemDisk", "COMPILE\START\" & SourceType & Version & AppName & ProgName WriteWFLPipe "" WriteWFLPipe "USER=ITI;" WriteWFLPipe "FAMILY DISK = DISK ONLY;" WriteWFLPipe "DISPLAY " & Chr(34) & "BEGINNING JOB COMPILE/START/" & SourceType & Version & AppName & ProgName & Chr(34) & ";" WriteWFLPipe "RUN *SYSTEM/FTPUTILITY;" WriteWFLPipe " FILE FTPIN = *TSS" & Version & "/" & AppName & "/" & ProgName & "/FTP ON D;" WriteWFLPipe " FILE FTPOUT (TITLE = *TSS" & Version & "/" & AppName & "/" & ProgName & " ON D, FILEKIND=COBOL85SYMBOL);" WriteWFLPipe "RUN *SYSTEM/FTPUTILITY;" WriteWFLPipe " FILE FTPIN = *TSS" & Version & "/" & AppName & "/" & ProgName & "/CNF ON D;" WriteWFLPipe " FILE FTPOUT (TITLE = *CNF/A/C" & Version & "/" & AppName & "/" & ProgName & " ON D, FILEKIND=DATA);" WriteWFLPipe "RUN *SYSTEM/FTPUTILITY;" WriteWFLPipe " FILE FTPIN = *TSS" & Version & "/" & AppName & "/" & ProgName & "/WFL ON D;" WriteWFLPipe " FILE FTPOUT (TITLE = *COMPILE/" & SourceType & Version & AppName & ProgName & " ON DISK, FILEKIND=JOBSYMBOL);" WriteWFLPipe "IF FILE *COMPILE/" & SourceType & Version & AppName & ProgName & " ON DISK IS RESIDENT THEN" WriteWFLPipe " PROCESS START *COMPILE/" & SourceType & Version & AppName & ProgName & " ON DISK;" WriteWFLPipe "REMOVE *TSS" & Version & "/" & AppName & "/" & ProgName & "/FTP ON D;" WriteWFLPipe "REMOVE *TSS" & Version & "/" & AppName & "/" & ProgName & "/CNF ON D;" WriteWFLPipe "REMOVE *TSS" & Version & "/" & AppName & "/" & ProgName & "/WFL ON D;" WriteWFLPipe "REMOVE *COMPILE/START/" & SourceType & Version & AppName & ProgName & " ON DISK;" CloseWFLPipe StartWFLPipe HostIP, "Disk", "-COMPILE\START\" & SourceType & Version & AppName & ProgName, True End Sub Function Sleep (WaitTime) Dim WaitFile On Error Resume Next If Not fso.FileExists ("Wait.vbs") Then Set WaitFile = fso.OpenTextFile ("Wait.vbs", ForWriting, True) WaitFile.WriteLine "Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments" WaitFile.WriteLine "If objArgs.Count > 0 Then" WaitFile.WriteLine " WaitTime = objArgs(0)" WaitFile.WriteLine "Else" WaitFile.WriteLine " WaitTime = " & vbQuote & "10" & vbQuote WaitFile.WriteLine "End If" WaitFile.WriteLine "WScript.Sleep WaitTime * 1000" WaitFile.Close End If WshShell.Run "Wait.vbs " & WaitTime, 0, TRUE End Function Function WriteMessage (Message) Dim WriteNow Dim I WriteNow = Now() OutPut.innerText = cvDate.FixDate(WriteNow, "mm/dd/yyyy") & " " & cvDate.FixTime (WriteNow, "Long") & _ ": " & Message Sleep (1) End Function '''''''''' Create and Open and WFL Pipe Subroutine Function CreateWFLPipe (WFLPipeHostName, WFLPipeShareName, WFLPipeFileName) Dim WFLPipeName On Error Resume Next Err.Clear WshNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "", "\\" & HostIP & "\IPC$", False, "ITI", "" WFLPipeName = "\\" & WFLPipeHostName & "\PIPE\COPYX\JOB\" & WFLPipeShareName & "\" & WFLPipeFileName WFLPipeName = Replace(WFLPipeName, "\", "/") WFLPipeName = UCase(WFLPipeName) Set WFLPipe = fso.OpenTextFile(WFLPipeName, ForWriting, True) If Err <> 0 Then Log.ErrorMessage Err.number, Err.Description, "Error in WFLProcess creating the WFL file " & WFLPipeName, True WFLError = True Exit Function End If WFLPipe.WriteLine ("BEGIN JOB "& Replace(UCase(WFLPipeFilename), "\", "/") & ";") End Function Function WriteWFLPipe (WFLPipeText) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear If WFLError = True Then Exit Function End If WFLPipe.WriteLine Replace(UCase(WFLPipeText), "\", "/") If Err <> 0 Then Log.ErrorMessage Err.number, Err.Description, "Error in WriteWFLPipe writing the WFL file " & WFLPipeName, True WFLError = True End If End Function Function CloseWFLPipe If WFLError = True Then Exit Function End If WriteWFLPipe "" WriteWFLPipe "end job;" WFLPipe.Write Chr(26) & CHR(26) WFLPipe.close If Err <> 0 Then Log.ErrorMessage Err.number, Err.Description, "Error in WFLProcess closing the WFL file " & WFLPipeName, True WFLError = True End If End Function Function StartWFLPipe (WFLPipeHostName, WFLPipePackName, WFLPipeFileName, WaitOption) Dim WFLPipeName Dim WFLMsg Dim X On Error Resume Next If WFLError = True Then Exit Function End If If WFLPipePackName = "" Then WFLPipePackName = "DISK" End If If Left(WFLPipeFileName, 1) = "*" Then WFLPipeFileName = Replace(WFLPipeFileName, "*", "-") End If If Left(WFLPipeFileName, 1) <> "(" And Left(WFLPipeFileName, 1) <> "-" And Left(WFLPipeFileName, 1) <> "_" Then Log.WriteLog "Error in StartWFLPipe - the file name does not include an * or a user code", True WFLError = True Exit Function End If WFLPipeName = UCase("\\" & WFLPipeHostName & "\PIPE\WFLD\" & WFLPipeFileName & "\_ON_\" & WFLPipePackName) WFLPipeName = Replace(WFLPipeName, "/", "\") ' Read PIPE for WFL status Log.WriteLog "Starting workflow", True Set WFLPipe = fso.OpenTextFile(WFLPipeName, ForReading, True) If Err <> 0 Then Log.ErrorMessage Err.number, Err.Description, "Error in WFLProcess opening WFLD pipe for file " & WFLPipeName, True WFLError = True Exit Function End If If WaitOption = False Then WflPipe.Close Log.WriteLog "Not waiting for WFL response messages", True Exit Function End If X = " " Do While ASC(X) <> 26 and ASC(X) <> 63 X = WFLPipe.Read(1) If ASC(X) <> 26 and ASC(X) <> 63 Then WFLMsg = WFLMsg + x End If Err.Clear Loop WFLPipe.Close Log.WriteLog "Finished workflow", True Log.WriteLog "", True WFLMsg = UCase(WFLMsg) If Instr(WFLMsg, "[WFL1]") = 0 or Instr(WFLMsg, "[WFL2]") = 0 then WFLMsg = " **** WFL Error **** " & vbCrlf & WFLMsg Log.ErrorMessage Err.number, Err.Description, "Error in WFLProcess during WFLD pipe read for " & WFLPipeName, True WFLError = True Exit Function End If End Function '//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Class WriteLog Private Function m_LogFileName m_LogFileName = Left(document.location.pathname, InstrRev(document.location.pathname, "\")) & _ cvDate.FixDate (Now(), "mmddyyyy") & "." & _ Right(document.location.pathname, Len(document.location.pathname) - InstrRev(document.location.pathname, "\")) & _ ".LOG.TXT" m_LogFileName = Replace(m_LogFileName, "%20", " ") End Function Private Sub Class_Initialize End Sub Public Property Get LogFileName LogFileName = m_LogFileName End Property Public Property Let LogFileName(FileName) m_LogFileName = FileName End Property Public Function ProcessLogFiles Dim fol Dim fil Dim fils Dim ScriptPath If fso.FileExists(m_LogFileName) Then 'Log.WriteLog "", True 'Log.WriteLog "", True Exit Function End If Log.WriteLog String(30, "*"), True Log.WriteLog "Log File " & m_LogFileName & " Created at " & StartTime, True Log.WriteLog "", True Log.WriteLog String(30, "*"), True Log.WriteLog "Cleaning up old log files...", True ScriptPath = Replace(document.location.pathname, "%20", " ") ScriptPath = Left(ScriptPath, InstrRev(ScriptPath, "\")) Set fol = fso.GetFolder(ScriptPath) Set fils = fol.Files Err.Clear For Each fil in fils If Instr(UCase(, Ucase(document.location.pathname) & ".LOG.TXT") > 0 _ and DateDiff("d", fil.DateCreated, Now) > 7 Then Log.WriteLog fil.Name & " is being deleted - Date Created - " & fil.DateCreated, True fso.DeleteFile, True End If Next Log.WriteLog "", True End Function Public Function ErrorMessage (ErrorNumber, ErrorDescription, LogMessage, PrintDateFlag) WriteLog "", PrintDateFlag WriteLog "*** " & LogMessage & " Error Number: " & ErrorNumber & " Error Description: " & _ ErrorDescription, PrintDateFlag WriteLog "", PrintDateFlag End Function Public Function WriteLog (LogMessage, PrintDateFlag) Dim WriteNow Dim LogFile WriteNow = Now() Set LogFile = fso.OpenTextFile(LogFileName, ForAppending, True) If PrintDateFlag = False Then LogFile.WriteLine Space(Len(cvDate.FixDate(WriteNow, "mm/dd/yyyy") & " " & _ cvDate.FixTime (WriteNow, "Long") & ": ")) & LogMessage Else LogFile.WriteLine cvDate.FixDate(WriteNow, "mm/dd/yyyy") & " " & _ cvDate.FixTime (WriteNow, "Long") & ": " & LogMessage End If LogFile.Close End Function End Class '//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Class cvDateFormat ' Use: FixDate(valid date string, format string) Public Function FixDate(strDate,format) Dim d Dim m Dim y d = DatePart("D",strDate) m = DatePart("M",strDate) y = DatePart("YYYY",strDate) If Len(d) < 2 Then d = "0" & d End If If Len(m) < 2 Then m = "0" & m End If Select Case LCase(Format) Case LCase("yyyy/mm/dd") FixDate = y & "/" & m & "/" & d Case LCase("yy/mm/dd") FixDate = right(y,2) & "/" & m & "/" & d Case LCase("dd/mm/yy") FixDate = d & "/" & m & "/" & right(y,2) Case LCase("dd/mm/yyyy") FixDate = d & "/" & m & "/" & y Case LCase("yyyy-mm-dd") FixDate = y & "-" & m & "-" & d Case LCase("yy-mm-dd") FixDate = right(y,2) & "-" & m & "-" & d Case LCase("dd-mm-yy") FixDate = d & "-" & m & "-" & right(y,2) Case LCase("dd-mm-yyyy") FixDate = d & "-" & m & "-" & y Case LCase("mm/dd/yyyy") FixDate = m & "/" & d & "/" & y Case LCase("ddmmyyyy") FixDate = d & m & y Case LCase("ddmmyy") FixDate = d & m & right(y,2) Case LCase("mmddyy") FixDate = m & d & right(y,2) Case LCase("mmddyyyy") FixDate = m & d & y Case LCase("yyyymmdd") FixDate = y & m & d Case LCase("yymmdd") FixDate = right(y,2) & m & d Case LCase("yyyy") FixDate = y Case LCase("short") FixDate = FormatDateTime(strDate,vbShortDate) Case LCase("long") FixDate = FormatDateTime(strDate,vbLongDate) Case LCase("dd-month-yyyy") m = MonthName (m, True) FixDate = d & "-" & m & "-" & y Case LCase("dd-month-yy") m = MonthName (m, True) FixDate = d & "-" & m & "-" & right(y,2) Case LCase("dayname") FixDate = WeekDayName(Weekday(strDate), False) Case LCase("daynameabbr") FixDate = WeekDayName(Weekday(strDate), True) Case LCase("sitedate") FixDate = WeekDayName(Weekday(strDate), False) & ", " & DateSuffix(DatePart("D",strDate)) & _ " of " & MonthName(m, False) & ", " & FixDate(strDate,"yyyy") Case LCase("stamp") FixDate = fixdate(Now(),"yyyymmdd") & FixTime(Now(),"Stamp") Case Else FixDate = d & "/" & m & "/" & y End Select End Function Private Function DateSuffix(num) Dim x If num < 13 or num > 20 Then Select Case Right(num,1) Case "0" x = "th" Case "1" x = "st" Case "2" x = "nd" Case "3" x = "rd" Case else x = "th" End Select End If If num > 12 and num < 21 Then x = "th" End If DateSuffix = num & x End Function Public Function FixTime(strTime,format) Dim h Dim m Dim s h = Hour(strTime) m = Minute(strTime) s = Second(strTime) If s < 10 Then s = "0" & s End If If m < 10 Then m = "0" & m End If If h < 10 Then h = "0" & h End If Select Case LCase(format) Case LCase("hh:mm:ss") FixTime = h & ":" & m & ":" & s Case LCase("hhmmss") FixTime = h & m & s Case LCase("Stamp") FixTime = h & m & s Case LCase("Long") FixTime = FormatDateTime(strTime,vbLongTime) Case LCase("Short") FixTime = FormatDateTime(strTime,vbShortTime) Case Else FixTime = FormatDateTime(strTime,vbShortTime) End Select End Function End Class '//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// </script> <body onload="OnLoad" onbeforeunload="onbeforeunload" style="font:10pt verdana"> <form name="VSSComp"> <!-- <p align="center"><img id="logo" border="0" src="itilogo1.jpg" width="157" height="60" alt="Rapid Input Form"></p> --> <p align="center"><em><font size="5">SourceSafe Compiles</font></em></p> <hr> <p align="center"><input type="button" Style="height:30;width:70;position:relative" value="Start" name="START"> <input type="button" Style="height:30;width:70;position:relative" value="End" name="END"> </p> </form> </body> <CENTER> <font face='arial black'> <hr color='black'> </font> <font color='red'> <Div align="center" ID="UpperDiv"></Div> </font> <font face='arial black'> <hr color='black'> </font> <Div align="left" ID="OutPut"></Div> <font face='arial black'> <hr color='BLACK'> </font> </CENTER> </html> |