From: Sprinceana on
Hi everyone and thanks for reading my post!

I want to make a haard 2d approximation the last example from this link:

Exercice 5: (the solution is exo5.m) Perform non-linear approximation with M=n^2/16 wavelet coefficients by keeping M best coefficients.


The problem I'm facing is the function perform_wavelet_transf .

I receive those errors:

??? Undefined function or method 'getoptions' for input arguments of type 'struct'.

Error in ==> perform_wavelet_transf at 23
h = getoptions(options, 'filter', '9-7');

Error in ==> haar_aprox at 8
fw = perform_wavelet_transf(f,Jmin,+1);

Every file in folder it's put in path of matlab (the pwd of matlab).

Here is the full project for haar 2d approximation for my grayscale picture which is not lena is picture_grey.jpg:
From: Sprinceana on
I finally did it!

If everyone needs it here's the full source: