From: Iarnrod on
On May 25, 7:49 pm, * Hates US * flailed in impotent kooker rage:

> The bushkkkultie can't dispute this, either:

You are the "booshkultie," Hates US, FACT. You are a counter-disinfo
shill paid by AWOL to post your patently insane ridiculous physically
inmpossible claims so as to discredit the true reality-based
opposition to the criminal Boosh regime.

This is not even remotely in dispute. Your persistence in posting your
debunked claims is all the proof we need.

* Hates US, * explain how you "think" you can get around the FACT that
your claims have been proven to be physically impossible.

I predict that as usual, you will FAIL to deal with it.
From: Iarnrod on
On May 26, 6:20 am, * Hates US * flailed in impotent kooker rage:

> The bushkkkultie can't dispute this, either:

You are the "booshkultie," Hates US, FACT. You are a counter-disinfo
shill paid by AWOL to post your patently insane ridiculous physically
inmpossible claims so as to discredit the true reality-based
opposition to the criminal Boosh regime.

This is not even remotely in dispute. Your persistence in posting your
debunked claims is all the proof we need.

* Hates US, * explain how you "think" you can get around the FACT that
your claims have been proven to be physically impossible.

I predicted that as usual, you would FAIL to deal with it.


From: Iarnrod on
On May 26, 6:21 am, * US * wrote:
> On Wed, 26 May 2010 08:15:32 -0400, Henry <9-11tr...(a)> wrote:
> >Bob Myers wrote:
> >> On 5/25/2010 7:29 AM, * US * wrote:
> >>> Education helps.
> >>> These are architects and engineers.
> >> So are a lot of us here, Skippy.
> >  Curious that none of you seem to be able to comprehend
> >a concept as simple as free fall acceleration.  <chuckle>
> Indeed.
> An aircraft hitting a building that was designed
> to withstand such an impact doesn't magically
> reduce the lower parts of the building to dust.

Good, because that's not what happened. "DUST!" BWAHAAAHAHHAHAAAA!!!
Multi-ton steel specks of "DUST!" BWAHAHAHHAAA!!!

Your insanity is nothing if not entertaining to your oh so many
betters, kook.
From: Iarnrod on
On May 27, 4:36 am, * Hates US * lied:
> "Scientists Discover Both Residues
> And Unignited Fragments
> Of Nano-Engineered Thermitic Pyrotechnics
> In Debris From the Twin Towers"
> On Wed, 26 May 2010 08:15:32 -0400, Henry <9-11tr...(a)> wrote:
> >Bob Myers wrote:
> >> On 5/25/2010 7:29 AM, * US * wrote:
> >>> Education helps.
> >>> These are architects and engineers.
> >> So are a lot of us here, Skippy.
> >  Curious that none of you seem to be able to comprehend
> >a concept as simple as free fall acceleration.  <chuckle>
> Indeed.
> An aircraft hitting a building that was designed
> to withstand such an impact doesn't magically
> reduce the lower parts of the building to dust.

Well, since that isn't what happened on 9/11, it's irrelevant.
From: Iarnrod on
On May 27, 7:39 pm, * Hates US * flailed in impotent kooker rage:

> The bushkkkultie can't dispute this, either:

You are the "booshkultie," Hates US, FACT. You are a counter-disinfo
shill paid by AWOL to post your patently insane ridiculous physically
inmpossible claims so as to discredit the true reality-based
opposition to the criminal Boosh regime.

This is not even remotely in dispute. Your persistence in posting your
debunked claims is all the proof we need.

* Hates US, * explain how you "think" you can get around the FACT that
your claims have been proven to be physically impossible.

I predicted that as usual, you would FAIL to deal with it.