From: Robert W on

I perform some Tests with an ROV VideoRay Pro III .
I have some questions. Maybe you can help me, or you have some ideas.
My aim is generating a Heading-Control Loop. Therefore i have made some
Tests in a pool and look at the Heading-Behaviour.
First- the Video Ray Pro 3 get out only TWO! information (about serial
port): This is Depth and Heading. The Depth should be constant at all
times of investigation.
Remains only one information - Heading (0...359).
I can influence the VideoRay about a SIMULINK-Model. Input signals are:
Current for the left and right Thruster! (This is a number between
-220... 220 / forward: plus, backward: minus).
That's all. I have made some Tests (maybe Input current left thruster=
40, right thruster=0). I get a curve in SIMULINK-Scope (image hdg.jpg
enclosed). After some time it collimates
a constant gradient / rotary rate. Have you some idea, how can i create
a Model/System for the VideoRay? Maybe a Transfer-Function like G(s) =
Y(s) / U(s). But thats not easy because
there are too many possible oppurtunities for the input of the VideoRay
(e.g. Current Left = 30, Current Right = 5 ... and so on...). Is it
advisable to go this way?
Or should I start immediately building a Control Loop? (enclosed image:
System.jpg). In fact the Control loop should only be go to the heading
and hold the heading, i have input in the SIMULINK Model. (for example:
But how can I realize this with the Controller? I need some laws...that
the Controller know, which Thruster must have which Current!?

Many Thanks in advance!