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From: Stephen Howe on 16 Dec 2009 06:55 On Wed, 16 Dec 2009 17:47:13 +0800, "Jack" <jl(a)> wrote: >PBYTE binfile = new BYTE[size.QuadPart+0x1e0-4]; >delete binfile; This is incorrect C++. If you do new [], it should be matched with delete [], not delete new[] and delete [] go together (for multiple items) new and delete go together (for single item) Cheers Stephen Howe
From: Jack on 16 Dec 2009 07:12 Hi Stephen, Actually, I have tried both delete and delete[], but doesn't work either. Thanks for your help!! Jack
From: Jochen Kalmbach [MVP] on 16 Dec 2009 07:25 Hi Jack! > Actually, I have tried both delete and delete[], but doesn't work either. In this special case (POD) it makes no difference... You need to show the code between the "new" and "delete"! -- Greetings Jochen My blog about Win32 and .NET
From: Jack on 16 Dec 2009 07:33 There u go, :) HRESULT CMesh::SetMeshData(char *szfilename) { LARGE_INTEGER size; HANDLE hFileMapping; int cchFileName; char szPath[256]; char *szTemp; DWORD cchPath; CAllocateHierarchy Alloc; // unload these functions to a dll ::GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, szPath, sizeof(szPath)); strcat (szPath, szfilename); //// Open .dat mesh HANDLE h = CreateFileA(szPath, GENERIC_READ, NULL, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { MessageBoxA(NULL, "Couldn't open file with CreateFile()", "Error", MB_OK); return E_FAIL; } GetFileSizeEx(h, &size); std::vector< BYTE > v( size.QuadPart+0x1e0-4 ); BYTE * binfile = &v[0]; //PBYTE binfile = new BYTE[size.QuadPart+0x1e0-4]; // maybe get the file size 1st memset (binfile, 0, size.QuadPart+0x1e4-4); //binfile.clear(); memcpy (binfile, template_bin, 0x1e0); //binfile.push_back(template_bin);//, 0x1e0); binfile += 0x1e0; hFileMapping = CreateFileMapping (h, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL); if (hFileMapping == 0) { CloseHandle(h); MessageBoxA(NULL, "Couldn't open file mapping", "Error", MB_OK); return E_FAIL; } //// Get a whole file into memory PBYTE g_pMappedFileBase = (PBYTE) MapViewOfFile (hFileMapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); if (g_pMappedFileBase == 0) { CloseHandle (hFileMapping); CloseHandle (h); return E_FAIL; } if (memcmp(g_pMappedFileBase, "hdr1", 4) == 1) { CloseHandle(hFileMapping); CloseHandle(h); MessageBoxA(NULL, "Error Loading Header", "Error", MB_OK); return E_FAIL; } memcpy (binfile, g_pMappedFileBase+4, size.QuadPart-4); binfile -= 0x1e0; // back to origin HRESULT hr = D3DXLoadMeshHierarchyFromXInMemory((LPCVOID) binfile, size.QuadPart + 0x1e0-4, D3DXMESH_MANAGED, m_pDevice, &Alloc, NULL, (LPD3DXFRAME*)&(m_pFrameRoot), &m_pAnimController); if (FAILED(hr)) { MessageBoxA(NULL, "Can't load mesh", "Error", MB_OK); } if (binfile) { delete binfile; binfile = NULL; } return S_OK; }
From: Igor Tandetnik on 16 Dec 2009 07:38
Jack wrote: > No, still crashed > std::vector< BYTE > v( size.QuadPart+0x1e0-4 ); > memset (binfile, 0, size.QuadPart+0x1e4-4); You are writing past the end of allocated buffer. -- With best wishes, Igor Tandetnik With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not necessarily a good idea. It is hard to be sure where they are going to land, and it could be dangerous sitting under them as they fly overhead. -- RFC 1925 |