From: sas analysis on
Hi Everyone,

I want to run cox proportional hazard models using a longitudinal
I want sas to recognize subjects that had events at baseline and that
had only baseline visits in the statement and not include them in the
analysis. I was able to solve this by simply deleting those subjects
from the dataset. but I would like an alternative to that, given that
I do not like deleting anyone.

This is an example of how my data looks (with 3 possible simulations):

ID visittime event
1 0 0
1 1 0
1 3 0
1 4.5 1
1 6 .
2 0 1
2 2 .
2 3 .
2 5 .
3 0 0
3 .
3 .
3 .
3 .

In this case, I want sas to only include ID1 in the phreg analysis
since subject 2 had the event at baseline and subject 3 only had visit
0. I tried using the where statement to the following code after
creating a lagtime.

proc phreg data = x covs(aggregate);
model (time0 vistime)*event(0) = gender/risklimits;
id id;

any ideas?

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