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From: kevin on 23 Jan 2009 15:07 Has anyone else run into this? I am customizing one of the application templates from MS for sharepoint, specifically the help desk template. I figured out how to modify the content type "Service Request" and then edit the site column "Status". But when I go to edit the status site column, which is a "Choice" type column, the GUI (Screen called "Edit Column") does not give me the ability to change any of the options (it does not even show the options, it just says - The type of information in this column is: Choice (menu to choose from). I have tried opening the site in sharepoint designer and am now conisdering doing this programatically but that is my last resort. If I had known how much of a pain this template would be to work with I might not have used it to begin with!
From: kevin on 23 Jan 2009 15:15 to be a little more clear the pre-existing options are Initiated, Engaged, Resolved, Closed I want to add a "Pending" status.. is there a way to do this in the back door (via caml and config) if I cant for whatever reason do this with the web interface? arghh
From: kevin on 26 Jan 2009 14:42 ok i have another problem, somehow my content type which was originally based on the application template type got "unghosted" so changing it in the files is not helping... i need to find a we to reghost it or change it in the database yikes... how in the heck to you reghost a content type?
From: kevin on 26 Jan 2009 23:34 hello is anyone listening??
From: kevin on 27 Jan 2009 17:00
here is more details... The query I used to find the site content type ghosted was select definition,* from ContentTypes where IsFromFeature is not null and version >0 the definitions (from the content db (above query)) of the content type looks like <ContentType ID="0x010075A0FEA7014846A4B773187D916210AC" Name="$Resources:hlpdsk,HelpDeskCTNameSR;" Group="Custom Content Types" Description="$Resources:hlpdsk,HelpDeskCTDescSR;" Hidden="TRUE" Version="1" FeatureId="{75a0fea7-cd50-401e-af0e-782f3662a299}"> <Folder TargetName="_cts/Service Request"/> <FieldRefs> <FieldRef ID="{c042a256-787d-4a6f-8a8a-cf6ab767f12d}" Name="ContentType"/> <FieldRef ID="{fa564e0f-0c70-4ab9-b863-0177e6ddd247}" Name="Title" DisplayName="$Resources:hlpdsk,ServiceRequest;"/> <FieldRef ID="{75af1e7d-1127-41fe-ab6b-60c26a0fc2f7}" Name="SRDetail"/> <FieldRef ID="{75af1e7d-64b3-4cb8-8ba5-db1284109864}" Name="Customer"/> <FieldRef ID="{a8eb573e-9e11-481a-a8c9-1104a54b2fbd}" Name="Priority" ShowInNewForm="FALSE"/> <FieldRef ID="{75af1e7d-ffc7-4b30-bca6-eef02b50bc7f}" Name="Owner" DisplayName="$Resources:hlpdsk,SROwner;" ShowInNewForm="FALSE"/> <FieldRef ID="{53101f38-dd2e-458c-b245-0c236cc13d1a}" Name="AssignedTo" DisplayName="$Resources:hlpdsk,SRAssignedTo;" ShowInNewForm="FALSE"/> <FieldRef ID="{f6dc7d70-cdf6-4ae4-b9e6-7a5bdd79f0c7}" Name="KBKeywords"/> <FieldRef ID="{75af1e7d-771c-448e-bdae-562e9b135b0e}" Name="Comments" ShowInNewForm="FALSE"/> <FieldRef ID="{75af1e7d-39f1-45db-908a-b7ad3f26531a}" Name="Status" ShowInNewForm="FALSE"/> <FieldRef ID="{75af1e7d-3550-4058-a31a-89af5ed29760}" Name="ResolutionType" ShowInNewForm="FALSE"/> <FieldRef ID="{75af1e7d-ec00-43d7-8ebb-0f8b5fd9e4f0}" Name="ResolutionDate" ShowInNewForm="FALSE"/> <FieldRef ID="{75af1e7d-fc26-4c80-af8f-c0a5dba4e572}" Name="MarkKB" ShowInNewForm="FALSE"/> <FieldRef ID="{4d71aa7d-e088-44f0-a074-585aae0f2a62}" Name="KBRelatedArticles" ShowInNewForm="FALSE"/> <FieldRef ID="{75af1e7d-37ff-4f69-a8ae-02c4d391ebf8}" Name="ResolveTime" ShowInNewForm="FALSE"/> </FieldRefs> <XmlDocuments> <XmlDocument NamespaceURI="">PEZvcm1UZW1wbGF0ZXMgeG1sbnM9Imh0dHA6Ly9zY2hlbWFzLm1pY3Jvc29mdC5jb20vc2hhcmVwb2ludC92My9jb250ZW50dHlwZS9mb3JtcyI+PERpc3BsYXk+TGlzdEZvcm08L0Rpc3BsYXk+PEVkaXQ+TGlzdEZvcm08L0VkaXQ+PE5ldz5MaXN0Rm9ybTwvTmV3PjwvRm9ybVRlbXBsYXRlcz4=</XmlDocument> </XmlDocuments> </ContentType> The field I am interested in is: FieldRef ID="{75af1e7d-39f1-45db-908a-b7ad3f26531a}" Name="Status" ShowInNewForm="FALSE" /> When I search for this field ID in the content db I cannot find it, and when I look in 12 hive, I find it in the schema.xml in 12\Features\HelpDesk\ServiceRequestLIst\servicerequest In this xml file it looks like: <Field ID="{75AF1E7D-39F1-45db-908A-B7AD3F26531A}" Type="Choice" Name="Status" DisplayName="$Resources:hlpdsk,SRStatus;" StaticName="Status" Required="TRUE" Sealed="TRUE" Format="Dropdown" FillInChoice="FALSE" SourceID="" > <Default>$Resources:hlpdsk,SRStatus_Choice1;</Default> <CHOICES> <CHOICE>$Resources:hlpdsk,SRStatus_Choice1;</CHOICE> <CHOICE>$Resources:hlpdsk,SRStatus_Choice2;</CHOICE> <CHOICE>$Resources:hlpdsk,SRStatus_Choice3;</CHOICE> <CHOICE>$Resources:hlpdsk,SRStatus_Choice4;</CHOICE> <CHOICE>$Resources:hlpdsk,SRStatus_Choice5;</CHOICE> </CHOICES> </Field> I actually added choice 5 (this is the modification I'm trying to make). This modification works on another site where I did not customize (unghost) the content type. However on the production site where I did unghost the content type (not sure how I did that) , my changes do not take effect. I'm just wondering where I can change it. Note you cannot change it in the GUI because microsft has set this up so that it uses resource strings for its options. |