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Can't get to Windows XP at all
Yesterday my wife was online and said that Acrobat tried to open without her prompting it to. Immediately after that Firefox crashed and then McAfee warned her about "something" and she chose to block. She said she had to do this numerous times before it would go away. She swears she was only sending an email at the t... 16 Jan 2010 17:15
PC crashing/freezing
I have an old PC, it's an AMD 2400+ running Windows XP HE SP2. Everything was fine until today, when suddenly the mouse froze and the PC crashed. I rebooted it with the restart button, but after loading Windows, the same thing happened. I've tried loading safe mode, with and without networking, but to no av... 13 Jan 2010 08:44
The instruction at "0x77d4bbcd" referenced memory at "0x00000048".The memory could not be "read".
Im also having the same problem , ie,I keep getting this error message every now and then on my computer"msfeedssync.exe - Application Error" The instruction at "0x77d4bbcd" referenced memory at "0x00000048".The memory could not be "read". Click on OK to terminate the program Click on CANCEL to debug... 11 Jan 2010 10:54
Home XP will not start after SP3 upgrade
Thank you so much first Suggestion worked perfectly. Hopefully this will help any other hp computer owner with amd processor. -- Sandro9412 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sandro9412's Profile: View this thread: http://forums.tec... 10 Jan 2010 22:57
Disable Protected Program
I purchased a used PC that is running a child protection program blocking certain web sites like YouTube and Facebook. The program is password protected. How do I disable or remove the program? I do not have the password. The program icon appears in the lower right hand corner of the screen. I have tried "R... 8 Jan 2010 17:21
Microsoft Update 0x800A01A8
Windows XP Professional SP3. Windows Update runs perfectly, however if I try to install Microsoft Update, the page starts loading then generates an error and advises that it cannot load and gives the error code as 0x800A01A8. I am assuming that this is either a permissions,corrupt or unregistered file issue ... 11 Jan 2010 04:20
Several Ntoskrnl BSOD crashes over the last week, but different stop codes
Yousuf That is all fine and good but please post the exact error that is shown. NTOSKRNL and hal issues can be caused by numerous problems and we cannot tell which one unless you post the error messages as per verbatim -- Peter Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others Requests for assistance ... 7 Jan 2010 19:14
Several Ntoskrnl BSOD crashes over the last week, but different stopcodes
I've experienced 3 different BSOD's in the last week. I've started using the Microsoft Windbg debugger to trace through them. I'm also using a 3rd party utility called BlueScreenView in addition to Windbg for analysis. Each crash has a different Stop code number, but so far they all seem to have a common origin... 7 Jan 2010 11:19
Replacement hard drive problem/ account access
Hi there, This is my first post so please be gentle! My family computer is an old Dell Inspiron and for a while its been very slow, then it stopped booting alltogether. The problem turned out to be the hard drive was degenerating so we bought a new one, installed it and kept the old one as the F drive so that w... 7 Jan 2010 19:14
usb wont recognice iphone cable
My laptop (IBM T40), will not recognize the Iphone/Ipod cable. It does recognize my usb flash drive, but not the cable, so it cant be a loose connection. I only have 2 ports, neither work with the cable. Used to work, stop working all of a sudden. It says "One of the USB devices attached to this computer has ... 7 Jan 2010 02:31
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