From: Rick T on
Greetings All

I have a slider in a matlab gui that is connected to the phase angle
of a sinwave, I would like for the phase angle slider to increment
over time 0 to 360 at a specified rate showing what happens to the
signal over time, then have the process stop after 60 seconds is this
possible? If so how?

Have phase angle slider increment automatically or when a button is
pressed from 0 to 360 in 10 seconds and stop after 60 seconds
Have phase angle slider increment automatically or when a button is
pressed from 0 to 360 in 0.5 seconds and stop after 60 seconds

tia sal22
From: ImageAnalyst on
Have you tried the timer object?

From the help:

This example constructs a timer object with a timer callback function
handle, mycallback, and a 10 second interval.
t = timer('TimerFcn',@mycallback, 'Period', 10.0);

In the timer callback or your button callback, you can enable or
disable the timer depending on your criteria.