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From: firstbizsoft on 25 Mar 2005 14:31 Hello all, I working at a clinic management application for a lot of time and never give me an error.....and today give me this error: Run-time error '7005' Rowset not available This is the code where give me this error: Option Explicit Private mvntKeyValue As Variant Public mstrSQL As String Private Sub cmd_Click(Index As Integer) Select Case Index Case 0 If AdoTemp.Recordset.RecordCount > 0 Then <=> mvntKeyValue = ResultGrid.Columns(0).Text <=> here in this line give me the error End If End Select Unload Me End Sub Public Property Get keyValue() As Variant keyValue = Trim(mvntKeyValue) End Property Private Sub Form_Load() KeyPreview = True Me.Top = 300 Me.Left = (mdiSystem.Width / 2) - ((mdiSystem.Toolbar1.Width / 2) + (Me.Width / 2)) Dim strConn As String Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + _ "Persist Security Info=False;" + _ "Data Source=" + DBFolder + "\" + CLINIC_DB + ";" + _ "Jet OLEDB:Database Password=clinica" AdoTemp.RecordSource = mstrSQL AdoTemp.ConnectionString = strConn AdoTemp.Refresh ResultGrid.Refresh AdoTemp.Caption = AdoTemp.Recordset.RecordCount & " Records Returned" Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault End Sub Please help me, Costel
From: Tim Baur on 25 Mar 2005 14:55 =?Utf-8?B?Zmlyc3RiaXpzb2Z0?= <firstbizsoft(a)> wrote in news:5B0C356E-7FD5-472E-A9BE-3478DEA257A0(a) > If AdoTemp.Recordset.RecordCount > 0 Try instead: If Not (AdoTemp.Recordset.BOF And AdoTemp.Recordset.EOF) Then Also, you should probably change you database password now. You just posted it on a public newsgroup.
From: firstbizsoft on 25 Mar 2005 15:11 Sorry Tim, but don't working. He give me the same error. And yes, this is not the real password. Costel "Tim Baur" wrote: > =?Utf-8?B?Zmlyc3RiaXpzb2Z0?= <firstbizsoft(a)> wrote > in news:5B0C356E-7FD5-472E-A9BE-3478DEA257A0(a) > > > If AdoTemp.Recordset.RecordCount > 0 > > Try instead: > > If Not (AdoTemp.Recordset.BOF And AdoTemp.Recordset.EOF) Then > > Also, you should probably change you database password now. You just > posted it on a public newsgroup. > >
From: Tim Baur on 25 Mar 2005 15:46 =?Utf-8?B?Zmlyc3RiaXpzb2Z0?= <firstbizsoft(a)> wrote in news:E47E7A04-CAFE-4A0B-9D23-DE032A458B36(a) > Sorry Tim, but don't working. He give me the same error. And yes, this > is not the real password. > Costel > I'm assuming that your grid is data-bound. If so, then is the recordset still open with data at this point? What happens when you try: Debug.Print AdoTemp.Recordset(ResultGrid.Columns(0).DataField)
From: firstbizsoft on 25 Mar 2005 18:49
Hi Tim, When I try: Debug.Print AdoTemp.Recordset(ResultGrid.Columns(0).DataField), give me this error: Run-time error '3265' did not find the element that corresponds{fits} with the name or the ordinal order and the mvntKeyValue = ResultGrid.Columns(0).Text heve the same error Rowset not available Regards, Costel "Tim Baur" wrote: > =?Utf-8?B?Zmlyc3RiaXpzb2Z0?= <firstbizsoft(a)> > wrote in news:E47E7A04-CAFE-4A0B-9D23-DE032A458B36(a) > > > Sorry Tim, but don't working. He give me the same error. And yes, this > > is not the real password. > > Costel > > > > I'm assuming that your grid is data-bound. > > If so, then is the recordset still open with data at this point? > > What happens when you try: > Debug.Print AdoTemp.Recordset(ResultGrid.Columns(0).DataField) > |