From: James Tursa on

First, make sure you have the modules compiled (maybe you have already done this, but you didn't mention it). It is a one-time operation. e.g.,

mex -c MatlabAPImex.f
mex -c MatlabAPImx.f
mex -c MatlabAPImat.f

Then be sure to include the associated object files in your mex command for readinput. e.g.,

mex('-f', options,'readinput.f90','MatlabAPImex.obj','MatlabAPImx.obj','MatlabAPImat.obj')

Also, what is "wind"? I don't see it defined anywhere in your program. Are you trying to read a 3D variable named "wind" from the mat file, or what?

James Tursa
From: James Tursa on
"James Tursa" <aclassyguy_with_a_k_not_a_c(a)> wrote in message <hh9lbh$cp4$1(a)>...
> First, make sure you have the modules compiled (maybe you have already done this, but you didn't mention it). It is a one-time operation. e.g.,
> mex -c MatlabAPImex.f
> mex -c MatlabAPImx.f
> mex -c MatlabAPImat.f
> Then be sure to include the associated object files in your mex command for readinput. e.g.,
> mex('-f', options,'readinput.f90','MatlabAPImex.obj','MatlabAPImx.obj','MatlabAPImat.obj')
> Also, what is "wind"? I don't see it defined anywhere in your program. Are you trying to read a 3D variable named "wind" from the mat file, or what?
> James Tursa

I just noticed a couple of other things.

1) You are compiling an engine application but are using mex functions. i.e., You have a program but call the mexPrint function. You can't call any of the mex___ functions inside an engine application.

2) You have included "mex.h" in your Fortran program. You can't do that ... mex.h is strictly for C applications, not Fortran. Delete this line.

Is there some reason why you are building a program instead of a mexFunction routine? If you used a mexFunction interface then passing the variable data would not need the mat file.

Assuming you still want a program, try this:

#include "fintrf.h"

PROGRAM readinput
use MatlabAPImx
use MatlabAPImat

character(len=63), pointer :: names(:)
mwPointer mx, matfile
integer*4 i, k
real(8), pointer :: fp(:,:,:)

! Open the mat file in read-only mode.
write(*,*) "... Opening mat file test.mat"
matfile = matOpen("test.mat","r")
if( matfile == 0 ) then
write(*,*) "Unable to open mat file"
! Get a list of variable names in the mat file.
write(*,*) "... List of variable names in the file:"
names => fpMatGetNames(matfile)
if( associated(names) ) then
do i=1,size(names)
write(*,*) names(i)
write(*,*) "Unable to read the variable names"
! Go get the variables and print out some info
write(*,*) "... Getting all the variables from the file"
do i=1,size(names)
mx = matGetVariable(matfile, names(i))
if( mx /= 0 ) then
write(*,*) "Got the variable "//names(i)
call mxDestroyArray(mx)
write(*,*) "Unable to get variable "//names(i)
call fpDeallocate(names)

mx = matGetVariable(matfile, "wind")
if( mx /= 0 ) then
write(*,*) 'Got the variable "wind"'
write(*,*) 'Unable to get variable "wind"'

fp => fpGetPr3(mx)
if( .not.associated(fp) ) then
call mxDestroyArray(mx)
write(*,*) "Unable to associate pointer fp"

write (*,*) 'Hello, world!' ! This is an inline comment
write (*,*) , fp

! After you are done with the data, destroy the mxArray variable mx:
call mxDestroyArray(mx)

write(*,*) "... Done."
k = matClose(matfile)

END PROGRAM readinput

James Tursa
From: HIEU on
"James Tursa" <aclassyguy_with_a_k_not_a_c(a)> wrote in message <hh9lbh$cp4$1(a)>...
> First, make sure you have the modules compiled (maybe you have already done this, but you didn't mention it). It is a one-time operation. e.g.,
> mex -c MatlabAPImex.f
> mex -c MatlabAPImx.f
> mex -c MatlabAPImat.f
> Then be sure to include the associated object files in your mex command for readinput. e.g.,
> mex('-f', options,'readinput.f90','MatlabAPImex.obj','MatlabAPImx.obj','MatlabAPImat.obj')
> Also, what is "wind"? I don't see it defined anywhere in your program. Are you trying to read a 3D variable named "wind" from the mat file, or what?
> James Tursa

@James Tursa: yes, "wind" is a 3D variable from the mat file.
From: HIEU on
"James Tursa" <aclassyguy_with_a_k_not_a_c(a)> wrote in message <hha7k0$hml$1(a)>...
> "James Tursa" <aclassyguy_with_a_k_not_a_c(a)> wrote in message <hh9lbh$cp4$1(a)>...
> >
> > First, make sure you have the modules compiled (maybe you have already done this, but you didn't mention it). It is a one-time operation. e.g.,
> >
> > mex -c MatlabAPImex.f
> > mex -c MatlabAPImx.f
> > mex -c MatlabAPImat.f
> >
> > Then be sure to include the associated object files in your mex command for readinput. e.g.,
> >
> > mex('-f', options,'readinput.f90','MatlabAPImex.obj','MatlabAPImx.obj','MatlabAPImat.obj')
> >
> > Also, what is "wind"? I don't see it defined anywhere in your program. Are you trying to read a 3D variable named "wind" from the mat file, or what?
> >
> > James Tursa
> I just noticed a couple of other things.
> 1) You are compiling an engine application but are using mex functions. i.e., You have a program but call the mexPrint function. You can't call any of the mex___ functions inside an engine application.
> 2) You have included "mex.h" in your Fortran program. You can't do that ... mex.h is strictly for C applications, not Fortran. Delete this line.
> Is there some reason why you are building a program instead of a mexFunction routine? If you used a mexFunction interface then passing the variable data would not need the mat file.
> Assuming you still want a program, try this:
> #include "fintrf.h"
> PROGRAM readinput
> use MatlabAPImx
> use MatlabAPImat
> character(len=63), pointer :: names(:)
> mwPointer mx, matfile
> integer*4 i, k
> real(8), pointer :: fp(:,:,:)
> !\
> ! Open the mat file in read-only mode.
> !/
> write(*,*) "... Opening mat file test.mat"
> matfile = matOpen("test.mat","r")
> if( matfile == 0 ) then
> write(*,*) "Unable to open mat file"
> stop
> endif
> !\
> ! Get a list of variable names in the mat file.
> !/
> write(*,*) "... List of variable names in the file:"
> names => fpMatGetNames(matfile)
> if( associated(names) ) then
> do i=1,size(names)
> write(*,*) names(i)
> enddo
> else
> write(*,*) "Unable to read the variable names"
> stop
> endif
> !\
> ! Go get the variables and print out some info
> !/
> write(*,*) "... Getting all the variables from the file"
> do i=1,size(names)
> mx = matGetVariable(matfile, names(i))
> if( mx /= 0 ) then
> write(*,*) "Got the variable "//names(i)
> call mxDestroyArray(mx)
> else
> write(*,*) "Unable to get variable "//names(i)
> stop
> endif
> enddo
> call fpDeallocate(names)
> mx = matGetVariable(matfile, "wind")
> if( mx /= 0 ) then
> write(*,*) 'Got the variable "wind"'
> else
> write(*,*) 'Unable to get variable "wind"'
> stop
> endif
> fp => fpGetPr3(mx)
> if( .not.associated(fp) ) then
> call mxDestroyArray(mx)
> write(*,*) "Unable to associate pointer fp"
> stop
> endif
> write (*,*) 'Hello, world!' ! This is an inline comment
> write (*,*) , fp
> ! After you are done with the data, destroy the mxArray variable mx:
> call mxDestroyArray(mx)
> write(*,*) "... Done."
> k = matClose(matfile)
> END PROGRAM readinput
> James Tursa

@ James Tursa: I am grateful to you. Your detailed help is so helpful to a novice like me. I will try it again today and give you an update.

Regarding my problem, I am trying to write a fortran program that can read a 3-dimensional arrays (created by matlab). Since the arrays are large, I would like to write them to a mat-file (binary format). I already have a few fortran subroutines that will take the arrays as inputs and produce results. All the subroutines have *.f90 format. That's why I am writing this f90 fortran program.

Again, thank you.
From: HIEU on
@ James Tursa
I tried the code and got the following errors. Any idea?

>> options = [matlabroot '\bin\win32\mexopts\intelf11msvs2005engmatopts.bat']

options =

C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2008a\bin\win32\mexopts\intelf11msvs2005engmatopts.bat

>> mex('-f', options,'readinput.f90','MatlabAPImex.obj','MatlabAPImx.obj','MatlabAPImat.obj')
MatlabAPImex.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _MEXCALLMATLAB referenced in function _MATLABAPIMEX_mp_MEXCREATESPARSELOGICALMATRIX
MatlabAPImex.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _MEXPRINTF referenced in function _MATLABAPIMEX_mp_MEXPRINT
MatlabAPImex.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _MEXSETTRAPFLAG referenced in function _MATLABAPIMEX_mp_MEXGET
readinput.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 3 unresolved externals

C:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2008A\BIN\MEX.PL: Error: Link of 'readinput.exe' failed.

??? Error using ==> mex at 207
Unable to complete successfully.

As you mentioned before, is this possible to build a mexFunction routine instead in order to do the work? I have no idea how to do that and I would love to be advised.

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