From: Sarah Thompson on 16 Oct 2009 07:46 Hey everybody Im trying to integrate a function func1 but keep getting matrix errors I fixed the matrix must be square error and the Matrix dimensions must agree error but I cant figure out how to fix this one. The code im using is below: Function code: function [ f1 ] = func1( E, Delta, kB, Temp ) %func1: calculates integrand for eqn 1 % Detailed explanation goes here f1=(tanh(sqrt(((E.*E)+(Delta.*Delta))))/(2.*kB.*Temp))/(2.*(sqrt(((E.*E)+(Delta.*Delta))))); end command line code: debye=(Tdebye*kB1)/h; Temp1=0.5; Delta1=0; a=hbar*fdebye; >> Delta1=0.; >> Q=quad(@(E1)func1(E1,0.,1.38065E-23,0.5),-a,a) ??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions. Error in ==> quad at 85 if ~isfinite(y(7)) Thanks
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