From: Mark Soroka Mark on 22 Mar 2010 09:48 I am trying to subtract example Billed $ -Paid $ = Saving $
From: Al Campagna on 22 Mar 2010 10:23 Mark, First, change the names of those fields. Avoid spaces in names. (if you do have a name with spaces, make sure you always bracket... ex. [Billed Amount]) When in doubt... bracket. Avoid Access reserved words, and special characters. The $ designates a string in Access, and should be avoided used in object names. [Billed] - [Paid] = [Saving] -- hth Al Campagna Microsoft Access MVP 2007-2009 "Find a job that you love... and you'll never work a day in your life." "Mark Soroka" <Mark Soroka(a)> wrote in message news:2C1631CC-311F-4874-9F49-C03E02659B2A(a) >I am trying to subtract example Billed $ -Paid $ = Saving $
From: Jerry Whittle on 22 Mar 2010 10:39 In a query: Saving $: [Billed $] - [Paid $] Make sure that the two fields within the brackets are spelled properly. -- Jerry Whittle, Microsoft Access MVP Light. Strong. Cheap. Pick two. Keith Bontrager - Bicycle Builder. "Mark Soroka" wrote: > I am trying to subtract example Billed $ -Paid $ = Saving $
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