From: W. eWatson on
On 2/13/2010 11:35 PM, Rune Allnor wrote:
> On 14 Feb, 05:33, Walter Roberson<rober...(a)> wrote:
>> Calculating where the intersection of the lines *is* might be simple or
>> it might be computationally infeasible (for example, calculating the
>> exact location of the intersection of two chaotic curves might take
>> exceedingly long.)
> If the curves are represented as a set of ponts that are joined
> by linear segments, there exist algorithms that report the
> intersections in time proportional with the number of line segments
> and the number of intersections. This can be very much faster
> than brute-force searches, if only a few intersections exist.
> If, however, every segment intersects all other segments, then the
> worst-case performance is O(n^2) where n is the number of line
> segments.
> Just be aware that these algorithms rely heavily on dynamic search
> tree data structures, so I wouldn't implement this in matlab.
> Rune
Perhaps join would have been a better word. When I use plot in MPL, the
lines are like straight path segments that are connected.

It seems to me this should be easy. I have all the x,y pairs. Here's a
simple example. Start at (0,0). Next are (1,1.5) and (2.2). Plot draws
2 straight line segments. I want the marker at (1,1.5). Say a yellow
circle. plot(1,1.5,"yo")?

In Pyton MPL, it may be almost the same, but one usually needs some
qualifier like pyplot.plot(1,1.5, "yo") I have yet to find the right
From: Doug Schwarz on
In article <hl99ai$n3a$2(a)>,
"W. eWatson" <wolftracks(a)> wrote:


> Perhaps join would have been a better word. When I use plot in MPL, the
> lines are like straight path segments that are connected.
> It seems to me this should be easy. I have all the x,y pairs. Here's a
> simple example. Start at (0,0). Next are (1,1.5) and (2.2). Plot draws
> 2 straight line segments. I want the marker at (1,1.5). Say a yellow
> circle. plot(1,1.5,"yo")?
> In Pyton MPL, it may be almost the same, but one usually needs some
> qualifier like pyplot.plot(1,1.5, "yo") I have yet to find the right
> combo.

It *is* easy, you just haven't been clear as to what you want. Since
matplotlib is modeled on MATLAB I think you'll find them to be quite

Suppose you have two vectors,

x = [0 1 2];
y = [0 1.5 2];

and you want to plot line segments only (two line segments connecting
the three points) then use


or you can be specific about the line style with


To plot only three small circles at the endpoints of the segments use


and to plot both connecting lines and the little circles use


See the help for the plot command for more details ("help plot" or "doc
plot"). Also, make sure you use single quotes in MATLAB to delimit
character strings.

Doug Schwarz
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