From: Archimedes Plutonium on 4 Feb 2010 03:57 Now I am looking at a pseudosphere on Wikipedia page and then looking at a saddle shape. I have a problem of fetching what the analog of a specific pseudosphere to a sphere is. Whether the radius of the sphere is the analog to the pseudosphere and what to use for the saddle shape. Anyway, what I am trying to resolve is how much surface area is involved when the two geometries make contact? Is it only a line-segment that comes in contact. Or is it a sizable surface area of the sphere and pseudosphere that comes into contact? It is surprizing to me that noone else seems to have ever asked that question before, for I find nothing in a search. Maybe everyone who stumbles on this idea of asking a question come to the conclusion that the answer is a line-segment and pursue it no further. But I have a suspicion that the answer is not an easy answer of a line- segment but that there is more involved than what meets the eye. I want to know what is the maximum surface contact when Elliptic meets Hyperbolic geometry. Archimedes Plutonium whole entire Universe is just one big atom where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies
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